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Scorpio Woman

Scorpio woman in a mystery novel, if you unravel the chapters of her inner self, you are likely to see a happy ending
A Scorpio moon sign born woman is possessive, secretive, passionate, and more. She tends to appear cool and calm but they are pretty restless beings.

Scorpio woman is intense, smart, and has strong boundaries which make her come across as a cold and distant being. She is extremely sensitive, scared of being getting hurt, and can get angry, easily.

While she is highly devoted and honest in a relationship, it isn’t easy to earn love and affection from her. You need to be really patient with her if you want to make her fall in love with you and do let her take the lead, in the relationship.

This Scorpio Horoscope Reading is based on Moon Sign. Are you a Scorpio Moon Sign? Find it out instantly. Moon Sign is a very significant Astrological Mark to know your future!

Physical attributes of a Scorpio woman

A Scorpio moon sign born woman is attractive with sharp features and an intense gaze. She has a slender body with a medium to tall stature. She has compact and equally proportionate physical features.

Behavioral constitution of a Scorpio woman

Mysterious, fascinating, and complex, a Scorpio moon sign born woman is a no-nonsense being with her heart and mind in the right place. She is intelligent, brave, intense, and courageous. She will never let you know the whole truth and will guard her secrets closely. This aura of mystery gives her a magnetic charisma which is quite attractive.

Scorpio woman appears aloof and calm outwardly, but internally, there is a sea of emotions that is tiding away in fear of getting divulged. One-on-one relationships are so much her than being hanging around in a group. Being an introvert you will need to have a lot of patience in getting acquainted with her.

Style sense of a Scorpio woman

Scorpio women are daring in their fashion style. She is bold and beautiful and will never hesitate to try out new things. She can be both traditional and contemporary, basis the occasion and situation. You can trust her to be always nice and aptly dressed up with matching accessories.


A Scorpio moon sign born woman is an introvert, at heart. She makes for a quiet daughter, sister, and wife. However, she is extremely affectionate, protective, and possessive of her loved ones.

She will seldom express her true feelings towards her family and friends and would conceal her thoughts even if she knows you pretty well. She is strong and charming with a sensitive and soft heart, she will be fiercely ambitious and brave to ward off any adversity that might cause trouble in her personal space.

 As a Daughter

A Scorpio daughter is loving, caring, and affectionate towards her parents. She is highly sentimental and needs pampering from her parents to release the emotions. As a young kid also she would be highly secretive and will not share her deep feelings easily, making it difficult for the parents to know the actual reasons behind the emotional unrest.

  • She has a strong need to feel trusted, so as parents if you share your secrets with her, she would feel important.
  • Scorpio woman is very sensitive and thus you need to be careful as a parent to deal with her on a much calm and sane level.

As a Sister

Scorpio moon sign born sister is deeply intellectual but also a mysterious soul. You can never know what’s going on in her mind but she can easily read yours. You may not have regular conversations with each other but whenever you do talk it is about bringing a radical change to the world.

  • You will gain an advisor for life if you have a Scorpio born elder sister.
  • If you have a younger Scorpio sister, you need to mind the sensitiveness for her character, always.

As a Friend

Scorpio moon sign born women do not have a very big friend circle. They have few friends, but those are precious to her and she will stick to them for life. It is not easy to make friends with a Scorpio woman as she doesn’t trust people easily. So, you need to be patient and gain her trust to win a friend for life.

  • She is trustworthy, loyal and the best secret keeper you can ever ask for.
  • She will be a supportive and generous friend and will always be there to guide you in challenging situations.

As a Lover

Ironically enough a Scorpio moon sign woman is quite possessive and insecure as a lover but she would not appreciate the same traits in her partner. Any encroachment on her independence and freedom will put her off instantly. She is dedicated as a lover but will be jealous and anxious, too.

  • She is loyal and honest in love and would desire love, affection, and faithfulness in return from her lover.
  • She is passionate about love and connects on a deep emotional level with her partner.

As a Wife

Known for her loyalty and courage, a Scorpio woman makes for a loyal and endearing wife. She is affectionate, passionate, and intense in her marital relationship and craves a deep-rooted bond with her husband to feel secure and content in marriage.

  • She is not the one to withstand any sort of flirtatious attitude of her husband. She is highly possessive of her husband.
  • It will take you a while to understand her completely and will also have a mysterious aura to her personality. Her mysterious persona can be both attractive and appalling, at times.

As a Mother

A Scorpio woman as a mother is intensely protective of her children and their needs, so much so that, at times her overbearing nature becomes too much to be handled by her grown-up kids. She is loving towards her children and in no way a submissive mother who can tolerate any kind of nonsense towards her children.

  • A Scorpio mother is very sensitive and caring but is equally courageous and strong when it comes to providing a safe and secure environment for her children.
  • She is quite controlling of her kids and can be over demanding and strict with them.


Scorpio women are hardworking and committed professionals. They are strong-willed, independent, and resourceful workers. She has the ambition and attitude to make it big in her professional life.
But she will not take up anything and everything, just like that. She has to feel the connection and character in work as she is driven by passion and not by superficial or materialistic things.

A Scorpio moon sign woman can make for good surgeons, doctors, physicists, designers, lawyers, and educators.

As a Student

You are a bright and self-motivated student and are also humble in your disposition. You are studious but are seldom sure of your grades. Your expectations from yourself are pretty high and you are always raising the bar for yourself and others, too.

  • You make for gentle and humble classmates but others can envy you at times since you are the teacher’s favorite.
  • You get too carried away at times, due to your fighting spirit and tend to waste your energies on inconsequential things.

As an Employee

A Scorpio woman has an incredible strength of character. She is not the one to be bogged down easily with work pressure and will stand up to challenges with utmost strength and courage. She is a calm soul with enough self-motivation to sail through difficult times at work. She is highly ambitious and how she treats you, largely depend on what she is getting out of you.

  • She is sentimental yet strong with her focus on the goal and nothing can stop her in making her way to the aim and would expect some favors on the way up.
  • She is creative, imaginative, and a supremely intellectual and confident worker that an organization could ever have.

As a Boss

You need to tread a little lighter if you are working under a Scorpio moon sign born woman boss. She is up for no games and manipulations at work and would prefer loyal and self-driven employees in her team.

You cannot hide a lie from your Scorpio boss, so don’t even try, because if you are caught it will take you a lifetime to get back her trust.

  • Scorpio woman is not the one to buy excuses and so you have to be very conscious of not doing frequent mistakes. Even if you do, be very sincere in accepting and apologizing for it.
  • She likes inspiring employees who tend to outperform each time and she will ensure that they get duly rewarded and recognized for their efforts.

As a Business professional

Scorpio is a sign of strength and power, a Scorpio woman can touch the heights of success as a business professional if she desires so. The best part about a Scorpio woman entrepreneur is that she is aware of her potential and if she puts her mind into it she is going to make it real big in the business world.

  • With the kind of business acumen and independent persona, a Scorpio woman, business success is imminent. However, her mysterious persona may at times be intimidating for people who plan to do business with her.
  • Her suspicious nature can both be good and bad for her business – good because she will be very cautious in doing contacts, dealings, and investments related to her business and bad because she will not be able to trust her employees and business partners quite easily.