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Scorpio - An Overview, Read all about Scorpio Horoscope

Scorpio -

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, fascinating and mysterious yet destructive and dangerous at the same time. You are very ambitious and determined, can take risks and are never afraid of challenges or the unpredictable element in life. You can be secretive about your plans and feelings as you are a sign of privacy. A sense of intensity drives your actions, be it love or hate, you touch extremes. Thus, you are most compatible with signs that can bear with your clinginess and emotional storm on a daily basis. Cancer may be one of them.

This Scorpio Horoscope Reading is based on Moon Sign, a very important Astrological Mark to know your future. Are you a Scorpio Moon Sign? Find it out instantly.

Scorpion is your mascot, which hints to the revengeful nature. Scorpions have claws, when a Scorpio sense danger or if crossed, they ‘hold on’ to the situation and when the time comes, they don’t mind inflicting a deadly sting with the tail. Mars influence makes you dedicated and determined, personal victory is very important to you. It endows you with a magnetic and fierce personality, and often extremely sensual too. You too have enormous energy, but it is under control unlike reckless Aries.

Scorpio are very clear about what they want and how to get it. Giving up is just not your style. What balances the fierce energy of Mars is the water element. Their emotional depth is as unfathomable as the deep ocean. It is often difficult to predict your actions and reactions. Just the vast sea, your heart is a storehouse of endless secrets and fantasies. Moreover, you are a fixed water sign. Your composure is not flowing as water, but rigid as ice. You may look ‘cold’ and unapproachable to others because of your secretive and introvert personality. The fixed quality also gives you a need for stability, thus you are sign who seeks to possess and control their possessions, including their partner. Scorpion jealousy is well known, you can be quite vengeful in nature at times.

Your biggest strength is your magnetic personality as that is what makes heads turn.  You are a faithful person, and very intelligent and compassionate too. However, your biggest weakness is the tendency to be a schemer, be driven by manipulation and jealousy than determination to face challenges head on. 

You can read on this page about
Scorpio Man, Woman, Lover, Boss and details on Scorpio Personality and how Scorpio handle their finance. Read on>>