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Aquarius Horoscope

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, cool, collected, and easygoing, kind of those who make best friends. You may not follow the flowers and chocolates path in love, or hang out daily with your friends, but you are definitely someone whom one can call at 3 am and ask for help. You may not ‘be around’ often, but you always ‘be there’. You spend a lot of time with yourself and the whole world out there; you are a humanitarian in nature and somewhat rebellious too.

This Aquarius Horoscope Reading is based on Moon Sign, a very important Astrological Mark to know your future. Are you an Aquarius Moon Sign? Find it out instantly.

You want your personal life to be calm and composed, but cannot give enough time for it to flourish. You are a busy bee, your loves ones often complain of your emotional aloofness and detachment. You are like a rainbow, high above in the sky, the whole world can bathe in your eccentricity but you are not approachable.

You are most compatible with easygoing signs like Gemini, Libra and may be Sagittarius, the ones that can offer some intellectual stimulation as well as freedom. Your symbol is the water bearer. In a way, you are an eternally giving person, who puts social over personal. The water of compassion you offer washes away the malice in hearts, especially concerning equality and justice, making you the initiator of new beginnings.

You are a fixed sign but not with earth element, thus the fixity is not in terms of conservatism or rigid values. You are fixed in the sense that if you are radical, you remain a radical. You cannot be budged unless you want to. The air element in you is of the highest kind. You are far from the surface (personal), into the exosphere (universe), the topmost atmospheric layer, consisting of thin air, lightest gas such as hydrogen. You are like a balloon, (filled with hydrogen), quite light-hearted, looking for opportunities, a single windblast is enough to make you fly to unknown realms, if set free.

Saturn, your ruling planet gives you a deep thinking ability; you look at the world from the top, judging matters in unbiased way. Due to the air element, you encounter endless people in life, but you do not make true friends. You act as a pillar of strength (fixed) for a community of like-minded people (air).

Your biggest strength is your levelheadedness and compassion for the humankind. You are an independent and optimistic person, with a great wit and wisdom.

Your weakness is your insensitivity to personal relationships as you often take them granted.

You can read on this page about Aquarius Man, Woman, Lover, Boss and details on Aquarius  Personality and how Aquarius handle their finance. Read on>>

Aquarius Overview

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, cool, collected, and easygoing, kind of those who make best friends. You may not follow the flowers and chocolates path in love, or hang out daily with your friends, but you are definitely someone whom one can call at 3 am and ask for help...
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Aquarius - The Lover

Ruled by the planet of sudden energy and transformation Uranus, Aquarius has the tendency to do the unconventional and eccentric in love. They seek nothing less than a romantic storm, an explosive connection that takes everyone by surprise...Read More

Aquarius Finance

Aquarius individuals do not stress themselves unnecessarily on money related matters. Some amount of inclination towards money is obvious in everybody, and so it is in Aquarius as well. But, other than that...Read More

Aquarius Temperament

Aquarius people are born egalitarians. They operate on a level above all the drama that other people indulge in. Their universal, unbiased, and broader outlook makes them seem detached from the world. Their decisions are influenced by universal ideas of right...Read More

Aquarius Women

Aquarius woman is imbued with energy, spontaneity and unconventionality. It’s rather hard to predict what is going on in her mind. She is eccentrically attractive and different from the regular. She has an innovative, pragmatic mind that wavers in many directions......Read More

Aquarius Man

Aquarius man is the most unpredictable guy you would have ever met. Besides giving you shocks and surprises every now and then, he will also impress you with his unconventionality and tendency to break that which is old and fixed.Read More