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Hasta Nakshatra

The Hasta Nakshatra is the thirteenth Nakshatra in the series of the lunar constellations or Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology. All four quarters or padas of this Nakshatra falls under the zodiac sign of Virgo.

Symbol: Hand or fist

The symbol of Hasta Nakshatra is the hand or fist, which indicates activities or skills related to hands such as craftsmanship or artistic work. Natives born in this Nakshatra are highly skilled in hand-related works like painting, writing, calligraphy, sculpture, sowing etc. They also make great healers, palmist, therapists and masseuses.

Knowing the Characteristics

People born under Hasta Nakshatra are intelligent, hardworking and reasonable. The effect of Moon makes them very calm, sensitive and emotional and also gives them the innate desire to help and serve. They are cooperative while working with or for others and work industriously to bring about a positive change in their professional life. They are active and quick in thought and action. They also have a lighter side to their personality in the form of humor and wit and are great entertainers.

To know which Nakshatra you have been born into, sign up so that you can find it out and then go through the descriptive details, to know yourself better.

Know in detail about Hasta Nakshatra:

  Translation   Hand
  Symbol   Hand, fist, palm
  Animal Symbol   Female buffalo
  Presiding Deity   Savitur (Sun God)
  Controlling/Ruling Planet   Moon
  Ruling Deity of the Planet   Parvati
  The 4 Quarters of Hasta Nakshatra  
  1st quarter   Ruled by Mars
  2nd quarter   Ruled by Venus
  3rd quarter   Ruled by Mercury
  4th quarter   Ruled by Moon
  Nature   Deva (God-like)
  Mode   Passive
  Number   13
  Gender   Male
  Dosha   Vata
  Guna   Rajasic
  Element   Fire
  Disposition   Light and swift
  Bird   Vulture
  Common Name of the Tree   Jasmine
  Botanical Name of the Tree   Jasminum auriculatum
  Seed Sounds   Pu, Sh, Nu, Tha.


The Ruling Planet of Hasta Nakshatra (Graha Devta): Moon

Graha Devta is the one who gives the ability to understand the nature of the planet so that we can work based on that planet in our chart. Based on Vedic Astrology, the Graha Devta or Ruling Planet for the Hasta Nakshatra is the Moon. Individuals born in this Nakshatra possess a lot of compassion and like to care for others. They have a pleasant personality with a charming face and a sweet smile. Their jovial and optimistic nature along with the ability to inspire makes other people fond of them. They are good at forming social and professional relationships and at times are very detail oriented in their work.

The energy source of Hasta Nakshatra (Adhi Devta): Savitur

The Adhi Devta gives mental clarity about the ruling planet and through them, we can come in contact with the divine energy source of the planet. The Adhi devta of Hasta Nakshatra is Savitur, who is one of the important Adityas among the twelve Adityas. Savitur or the Sun God gives a lot of creativity and dexterity to the natives of this Nakshatra in healing, art and handicrafts. It also establishes harmony between nature and the human being. In this context, chanting the Gayatri Mantra can be highly beneficial to the natives of Hasta Nakshatra.

Presiding Deity of Hasta Nakshatra (Pratyadi Devta): Sun

Pratyadi Devta helps us understand the function of the Nakshatra and the planet in our birth chart, and has total command over the functions related to the Nakshatras placed in the birth chart. The presiding deity of Hasta Nakshatra is Sun. The Sun, in the form of twelve Adityas was born to Goddess Aditi, whose responsibility is to nourish and sustain the nature. This gives the natives of this Nakshatra, traits of care, nourishment and selfless service and they can do well as counselors, healers, advisors, physiotherapists etc.

Gender: Male

Gender of any Nakshatra is used in Vedic astrology for matchmaking but if we deeply analyze this, we come to know a rather fascinating fact that the gender signifies our mental inclination towards material things and how we manipulate life’s challenges for our survival. The gender of Hasta Nakshatra is Male and natives of this Nakshatra, regardless of their gender, shall have abundance of energy, practicality and confidence.

Dosha: Vata

Dosha represents which type of disease will affect the native. Hasta Nakshatra natives are dominated by Vata. Vata is related to air and natives of this Nakshatra could experience problems related to digestion like flatulence, bowel disorder, intestinal worms, hysteria etc.

Guna: Rajas

In Indian philosophy, there are three Gunas, known as - Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas. These are known as the three processes that build a successful life. The guna of Hasta Nakshatra is Rajas or Rajasic which could give the natives of this Nakshatra a tendency towards overindulgence and emotional unsettledness. However, these people will spend their wealth in charity and for the welfare of others.

Element: Fire

Hasta Nakshatra is governed by the Fire element, which provides quickness and spark of energy to the natives of this Nakshatra. Fire also stands for transformation. The natives of this Nakshatra are self-motivated and have the ability to work in tough circumstances and overcome obstacles. They go through a lot of ups and downs in their life leading to inner transformation. However, their mental power and strength helps them to sail through all odds and achieve their desired goals.

Bird: Vulture

Birds are the highly spiritual creatures, which came into life to give us the message from the universe. Each Nakshatra has a particular bird symbol, which shows us that the energy related to that bird is residing within us related to that particular constellation/Nakshatra. The bird symbolic to Hasta Nakshatra is Vulture. Vulture finds mention in the great epic Ramayana with the name of Jatayu and Sampati the son of God Aruna. These two great warriors were friends of King Dashratha. And Jatayu fought valiantly with Ravana to protect Sita, the wife of the lord Ram. The Vulture is the Omen of death, but signifies the transformation of the soul and progress into the spiritual realm, where the native understands the motive of taking birth. Natives born in Hasta Nakshatra are very spiritual and religious and have a lot of courage and patience.

First letter for naming Hasta Nakshatra born baby - Pu, Sh, Nu, Tha

The first letter of the name also produces a vibration, which is connected with the individual, as per the Vedas. It is advisable to choose a name with the letter that creates harmony between the human and the Universe, so that the native gets every happiness and success, promised in his birth chart. This is akin to us coming in the network coverage area of the Nakshatra we are born under, and thus getting a proper signal from it, which helps us rejuvenate and connect better with the world.

The first letter for a baby born in Hasta Nakshatra could be Pu, Sh, Nu, Tha.

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