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Mercury transit for Virgo Moon Sign

  1. Mercury in Aquarius in January 2020 for Virgo moon sign
  2. Mercury transit in Capricorn in January 2020 for Virgo Moon Sign
  3. Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius for Virgo moon sign

Mercury in Aquarius in January 2020 for Virgo moon sign

Mercury will be transiting in Aquarius from 31st January 2020 to 7th April 2020. During this phase, it will turn retrograde on 17th February 2020 and will resume direct motion on 10th March 2020. This transit will take place in the sixth house for Virgo moon sign natives. As per Vedic astrology, sixth house is the house of health, service, subordinates, juniors, daily routine, obstacles, debts, illness, maternal relations, job, etc. and Mercury’s transit here will bring alive these themes for the natives of Virgo moon sign.

Effects of Mercury’s transit in Aquarius on your professional life

Your professional life looks promising during this transit if you can take care of certain things. You will be lucky in having success in long standing projects and assignments and your efforts will be duly acknowledged by seniors at workplace. You will also the opportunity to work on a foreign project, which will enhance your professional standing.

Sudden travelling related to your job or business will yield success in terms of financial gains. You will get the opportunity to meet new and important people, which will be instrumental in your career growth. You will have a cordial relationship with your colleagues and they will be supportive of your endeavors.

Guidance from your seniors at workplace will help you a lot in enhancing your growth prospects and expanding your horizons. You should be well informed and aware of noting each and every information at your workplace. Avoid all situations of getting into arguments or misunderstandings with your colleagues. In case of a misunderstanding, be sure to offer clarifications and clear the air to maintain healthy work relationships.

Adopting a tactful and diplomatic approach at your workplace will help to resolve difference of opinion and misunderstandings. Be careful while taking any decision related to a legal or tax matter. You should also be cautious while giving and taking loan.

If you are involved in independent business, you will have new and lucrative opportunities of growth. However, there will also be some trouble from rivals and competitors. You will be able to win over them with your courage and diplomacy and eventually they will cause you gains.

This transit is generally favorable for professional growth whether you are in job or managing independent ventures. However, it would not be wise to only rely on luck to get the desired success. Keep hard work and focus at the forefront to make the optimum use of this beneficial transit.

Effects of Mercury’s transit in Aquarius on your personal life

Your personal life will be largely be peaceful and happy during this transit as you will have your family’s support in your personal and professional endeavors. You will spend quality time with them, which will strengthen your ties with them.

You should be kind and polite while communicating with your family members and help them in their routine work. Your cooperation will bring you cooperation in return.

You will get to meet your maternal family during this transit and arrange a small party or get-together with them, which will bring you, joy. You might receive help, favors or financial assistance from your maternal relations during this time.

Health might need attention as you could have a weak immunity making you susceptible to catching seasonal cold and flu. You should not be careless about health issues during this time and take proper treatment and medication.

Making donations and getting involved in charity will be beneficial for your peace of mind and general well-being during this transit.

Mercury transit in Capricorn in January 2020 for Virgo Moon Sign

Virgo Moons, Mercury shall enter your fifth house on 13th January 2020 and shall remain there till 31st January 2020. As per Vedic astrology, fifth house represents progeny, creativity, intelligence, love, romance, knowledge and learning and Mercury’s transit here will bring alive these themes for the natives of Virgo moon sign.

You will feel creative than usual during this transit and will have a stronger self-expression. You will be brimming with ideas regarding professional growth, however you will find that your traditional ideas are being appreciated more than modern ones.

On a personal level, you will feel more connected with your family members. Advice from an aged family member will work to your advantage in personal and professional matters. There might be minor conflicts with children but you will be able to resolve them with your wisdom and maturity.

Effects of Mercury’s transit to Capricorn on your professional life

Professional life of Virgo moon sign natives will see a few hiccups during the initial phase of this transit. However, things will gradually improve for the better. There will be minor arguments with colleagues at workplace.

You will receive sudden help from unexpected people and sources, which will boost your confidence. You will be given a new and important assignment at workplace which will increase your responsibilities.

Those involved in foreign projects will receive the benefits of their efforts and reap the desired results. If you are working on a government related assignment, you will get due recognition.

You might think of investing in stock market or other speculative pursuits, however, carefully weigh the pros and cons before taking the leap. Advice from an experienced family member would help to take the right decision.

Students will have an average time during this time. Those expecting results of past exam will get average scores, which will not be as per their expectations. However, this is an excellent time to implement your creative ideas and give them a practical shape.

If you are planning to appear for an interview or a presentation at work, it will be better to do a thorough research and preparation to achieve the desired outcome.

Effects of Mercury’s transit in Capricorn on your personal life

Personal life will be slightly challenging for the natives of Virgo moon sign as there could be some confusions and difficulty in understanding the perspective of your spouse or partner. You might face some tensed moments in your personal life.

However, you can turn the situation positive if you act wisely and with maturity. You should avoid taking your personal stress to your workplace, as that will affect your performance.

Unmarried couples will have their share of troubles too but will be able to resolve them with ease. You should take utmost care of your communication during this time as there are chances of being misunderstood.

Avoid being rude or harsh in your tone and making sarcastic comments as that will only worsen the situation. Do not make any promise or commitment you know you won’t be able to fulfill. Restrict the use of social media and if you must use it, be more of an observer and listener than an active participant.

Being connected to Nature and natural surroundings will greatly help to maintain peace and calmness and spending time with friends will keep you relaxed.

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius for Virgo moon sign

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius beginning 25th December 2019 is going to take place in the 4th house for Virgo moon sign natives. Moving into your house of domestic comfort, Mercury will offer you numerous opportunities to celebrate your bond with your family members.

Recognition and appreciation will come in due course of time and with honest efforts in place. Be patient and never lose hope, even if faced with complex situations if life.

You will be required to make wise use of your time to arrive at decisions which will give you desired results. Wasting time over unnecessary things will lead you towards failure, so focus on the larger horizon and leave the trivial issues behind.

Your health will require attention and your mother’s well-being will also come under the scanner. So, be careful and take necessary precautionary steps to steer clear of any major health complications.

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius for the personal life of Virgo moon sign

The transit of Mercury in Sagittarius will bring about favorable changes at your home front. There will celebrations and religious festivities around this time. You will spend quality time with your parents and can also take up spiritual journeys with them, at this time. Aura of peace, unanimity and happiness will prevail in your domestic life. However, you need to ensure that unwanted confusions should not deter the harmony of your home.

  • Your spouse will be supportive and you will spend quality time with them. Long distance journeys or foreign travels are also indicated for some Virgo moon sign natives, in this transit period.
  • Take care of your health and that of your mother’s too. Medical expenditures are also anticipated, in this period, so be careful of any health issues that may surface in this month.
  • Festivities, marriage or celebration of a new born in your family will be the highlights of this period. This will bring cheer and joy to your family.
  • You may plan to buy property or invest in real estate for family wealth expansion, in this period. But, be careful in checking through your available options and make an informed choice.

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius for the professional life of Virgo moon sign

During the transit of Mercury in Sagittarius, Virgo moon sign natives will achieve greater milestones in their professional life. The actions and activities that you take in this period will manifest in due time on the professional choices that you make, during this transit phase. Being active and dynamic in approach will help you take your career in a new and better direction. Stress may tend to curb your undying spirit, in this period, but staying focused and determined will help overcome this time.

  • Your chosen career field will bring you appreciation and recognition for your hard work, during the transit of Mercury in Sagittarius.
  • Your past efforts will pay you back with great dividends and profitable returns, during this time. Utilize your time well and be organized to derive desired results and professional gains.
  • Your association with your boss will improve and they will support you in your professional endeavors.
  • Job change is likely in this period for some of you. However, you are advised to make a well-thought decision in taking this step. Promotion and salary increments are also on cards for service professional born under the Virgo moon sign.


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