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Mars Transit in Gemini (16 Oct 2022 till May 2023)

This transit will shift the temperament of nature and people. Misplaced aggression, even affection, bad decisions & arguments as a result of haste & anger will surface in a big way. As Mars comes closer to Earth in this period, it will manifest a pronounced aggression in our lives & the world with the increased gravitational pull, making us act irrationally as it falls back from one sign to the other.


The unique mapping of transit and retrograde of Mars during 15 October 2022 till 15 March 2023 in Gemini suggests that the combination of various elements coming together during this transit indicates that it is an accurate time to plan and strategize innovatively for the future. A cautious attitude and conscious actions will be the success mantra to the draw the most benefit out of this transit.

  • Mars moves to Gemini on 15 October 2022.
  • Mars retrogrades in Gemini on 30 October 2022.
  • Mars falls back in Taurus on 13 November 2022 and will turn direct on 12 January 2023 to Gemini and stays there till 15 March 2023.

Effects of the transit

Mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, it is a time for change.

Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius should reevaluate their plans and goals.

Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, time to evaluate and work more on relationships.

How will this transit affect You?

  1. Aries

Planetary movements such as Mars (the lord of the 1st house of self and 8th house of hurdles) transiting the 3rd house of initiative, speech and siblings in Gemini and the retrogression of Mars in Gemini indicate a boost to your courage and determination as well as turbulence for you to balance. With your natural flair for impulsiveness and spontaneity, you will take quick decisions but will not be able to derive progressive results. You may become straightforward in your professional communication with your colleagues/associates that may not be appreciated by them. Finances will pose problems with a lot of fluctuation in income and sudden expenditure. You will be more productive in your personal and family relations as your personal planet, Mars, will initiate you to make efforts and you will be able to conjure up warmth and affection vis-à-vis your spouse and family, especially your siblings. Health of family members may cause some concern, but you will be able to maintain good health by exercise, good diet and meditation.

Mars retrogression in Gemini: This period would require you to avoid getting into disputes and adopt a politeness of speech that will be beneficial for your overall progress. Using harsh language may result in major arguments that will be difficult to rectify in the future.

Mars falls back in Taurus and its stay in Taurus: Mars, your ascendant lord, will be transiting your 2nd house that may give you bouts of anger that will not be beneficial for your wealth and relationship status. You may observe an urge to eat rich food and consume alcohol that will not be beneficial for your health. You are advised to keep a check on your anger and avoid any kind of hasty decisions related to money matters and family relationships. To maintain good health, practice yoga and meditation regularly for physical and mental fitness during this period to keep your energy levels under control.

Caution: Stop acting on impulse and use manipulative approach in action and words to control the situation during this transit.

  1. Taurus

Planetary movements such as Mars (the lord of the 12th house of loss and foreign settlement and 7th house of partnership) transiting the 2nd house of wealth, family and speech in Gemini and the retrogression of Mars in Gemini indicate energy, enthusiasm and caution. Your professional growth and progress is on the astrological card due to this transit; many opportunities will approach you with new possibilities of progress through foreign land; gains from spouse are visible too. Profits are visible from the professional front but expenditures on personal grounds will be high. Personal with your partner/spouse and family will be cordial as you will get unconditional support from them in your endeavors. If you are single, you will have good chances of tying the knot with your loved one. On the whole, this transit is beneficial for you, but you should stay alert in your professional and personal life as there may be some form of loss due to your negligence. Avoid any kind of speculations with your personal/ professional partner.

Mars retrogression in Gemini: This phase indicates that you love the finer things in life like luxury, without which, you feel lost. But the limitation of your bank balance warns you that you cannot indulge in excess expenditure for luxury. Avoid speculation in speech and other expressions with your loved ones as your possessive nature and insensitive words can affect your love relationships.

Mars falls back in Taurus and its stay in Taurus: Mars transit will occur in the ascendant for you and this transit will not be very auspicious if you are married. There are chances of mutual disagreement over minor matters with your partner, whereas, as a professional you may face issues at the work front with colleagues and superiors. It will be beneficial if you stick to your base nature of patience in all matters. Practice meditation and yoga regularly for a smooth glide during this transit.

Caution: Pushing your credit limit for excess spending may lead to stringency in wealth consistency and speculating with your relations can disturb the warmth in relationships.

  1. Gemini

Planetary movements such as Mars (the lord of the 6th house of self and 11th house of gain) transiting the 1st house/ascendant of self, nature and personality in Gemini and the retrogression of Mars in Gemini reveal the balance of health and working style. Your professional life will bring good opportunities to travel abroad in your field of work and you will excel professionally. On the contrary, there will be an increase in your workload, but that may lead to fatigue and stress at night which may affect your physical health. Be vigilant to strike a balance between work and rest. The aspect of Mars on the house of siblings will bring love and coordination with your family. Avoid getting dominant in your personal relations to avoid ego clashes with your partner and pay extra attention to your domestic arena to balance all avenues of routine life.

Mars retrogression in Gemini: In this period your bottled-up emotions will find a way to burst out, there will be temper tantrums and emotional disturbance. Avoid taking any major decision in this phase. You may also end up losing your positive energy, you will opt to turn introvert rather than argue with others.

Mars falls back in Taurus and its stay in Taurus: You will have to be careful in your relations with your partner/spouse and siblings as the transit of Mars will occur in the 12th house for you that will not only endanger relations, but it will also result in the increase of expenses. Practice yoga and meditation regularly for physical and mental fitness during this period.

Caution: A yoga class with meditation will be a healthier option to release your pent-up emotions for a healthy life and self-transformation to a calm state of mind.

  1. Cancer

Planetary movements such as Mars (the lord of the 5th house of love, children and 10th house of career and status) transiting the 12th house of loss, hospitalization and foreign settlement in Gemini and the retrogression of Mars in Gemini indicate the ability to handle the positives and negatives with efficiency. You are known for your sensitive emotional personalities, but this transit will give you the ability to deal with your personal and professional stress with a clear thought process. Professionally, this transit will be beneficial as you will have good gains in career from upcoming projects as an independent entrepreneur and benefit with promotion as a salaried professional. Your personal arena will also have the flavor of balance, your practical approach and love in your personal and family relations will go hand in hand. Students will have the blessing of stability of consistent concentration and energy to excel in their academics. You will be able to get cured from any health issue during this transit.

Mars retrogression in Gemini: This phase indicates excessive unnecessary expenditures. It is essential to step back and take your time to review options before making a choice, it is essential for giving a new direction to your life. Do not be obsessed with the idea of making good money and use this opportunity of walking towards your goals with focus and attention.

Mars falls back in Taurus and its stay in Taurus: For you, the transit of Mars will be in the 11th house, so the work front will be progressive with the possibility of hike in salary, but it is essential for you to avoid taking loans during this period and manage your expenses within the premises of your current earnings. This transit will bring you favorable results, but it is necessary to mark your words with politeness and respect for others’ personal space for all your personal and professional relations.

Caution: Be level-headed in your personal and professional approach and relationships.

  1. Leo

Planetary movements such as Mars (the lord of the 4th house of stability and 9th house of luck and long travel) transiting the 11th house of gains in Gemini and the retrogression of Mars in Gemini indicate that earning, luck and stability will have their own success story. Mars is an auspicious planet for you and this transit will not only aspire you to work hard but your hard work will also be appreciated and acknowledged by your superiors. This is a favourable time for you to start your own venture or gain the support of your colleagues to cash on any opportunity that comes your way. If you are in the healthcare sector or armed forces, you will be able to score to the next level of progress in your professional designations. Your personal relations will see domestic bliss with your partner and good understanding with your family, siblings and friends. Overall, this is a good transit for you as it will bring positive changes in your personality and your nature to adjust with others without being egoistic. Avoid too many tasks at one time, as it may distract you from your goals, especially students.

Mars retrogression in Gemini: This phase indicates that there will be many opportunities tapping at your door, so try to make the best use of them with hard work and honest efforts. It will be hard for you to channelize your power energy but the events will move at a slower pace than your expectations, which may cause you frustration with people who are trying to help you.

Mars falls back in Taurus and its stay in Taurus: The transit of Mars will be in the 10th house of career for you which will initiate good speed and efficiency at work that will win you the appreciation of your superiors. There will be positive growth in your workload and responsibilities on the professional front. There will be overall progress in your love life and family relations but on the flip side, be cautious with you behaviour pattern as little touch of ego will dissolve all peace and harmony during this period.

Caution: Try to follow the practical ways of completing your endeavors with the collective support of others or as team work on personal and professional front.

  1. Virgo

Planetary movements such as Mars (the lord of the 3rd house of initiative and siblings and 8th house of hurdles and uncertainty) transiting the 10th house of career in Gemini and the retrogression of Mars in Gemini indicate the cup of success and conflict on the same platter. You are a hardworking soul and Mars’s transit in Gemini will add fine dimensions to your analytical power, which will pave the way to success in your professional ventures. You will start moving in intellectual circles and earn good professional reputation that will endow you with the capability of carrying out your pursuits well. All your concerns will be related to your career and you will pay less attention to your love life and family relations, which may cause contradictions in your personal life. You may have differences with your father due to ego issues where both of you will try to prove each other wrong, but the unconditional efforts of your siblings may prove beneficial in restoring your relations to normal. Try to maintain balance in your personal and professional arena by avoiding any sudden clashes that may appear unannounced.

Mars retrogression in Gemini: This phase indicates that you want to be a perfectionist, want to take charge to lead others with dominance, but your ignorance in taking charge will lead to disturbance in your ventures that will not be appreciated by others. The work pressure may will make you put more effort and time to accomplish your work on time.

Mars falls back in Taurus and its stay in Taurus: For you, this transit will occur in the 9th house of long travel and luck, religion will bless you with good gains through ancestry from father. You are likely to get fruitful deals vis-à-vis any property or professional venture, but you will be loaded with additional work, so strategize your work according to your priorities for the best use of this transit.

Caution: Allow yourself to understand the need of others, both professionally or personally, and you may find that cooperation is more successful than dictating others.


Planetary movements such as Mars (the lord of the 2nd house of wealth and family and 7th house of partnership) transiting the 9th house of luck and long travel in Gemini and the retrogression of Mars in Gemini suggest all this will make you crave for balance and stability. Libra is the sign of balance and you always work hard with dedication for success and stability in your routine life. Your professional front will be challenging as you will have rivals who will create strong opposition without any reason. Plans of making quick money should be scrutinized first. Try to live with the facts and not on presumptions over career ventures. Rashness won’t lead you anywhere in your personal relations; however, be cautious of those friends who are always trying to take advantage of your positive nature. Avoid being dominating in your personal and family relations to win the support of your loved ones. Maintain decorum of speech and behaviour to avoid any conflict and respect the space of your partner and loved ones.

Mars retrogression in Gemini: This phase reveals that you may observe petty issues that would lead to stress with your father. Otherwise, this period will be good for your personal relations where you may plan to a vacation with your spouse to spend quality time, but there may be increase in your expenditure. You may face hurdles in your professional front. If you are in a relationship, you may have the opportunity to take your relationship to the next level of commitment.

Mars falls back in Taurus and its stay in Taurus: For you, this transit will occur in the 8th house that represents hurdles and sudden loss/gain. As a working professional and independent entrepreneur, you will have gains in your professional front, but there will also be frustration due to the delay in the realization of your success. You will have to keep patience as it will be beneficial for your overall progress and to tone down any negative effect during this period.

Caution: Avoid major issues in your life by looking at situations and relationships over a broad spectrum.

  1. Scorpio

Planetary movements such as Mars (the lord of the 1st /ascendant house of self and 6th house of rivals, health and debt) transiting the 8th house of hurdles and uncertainty in Gemini and the retrogression of Mars in Gemini suggest ignorance will create hurdles, but conscious approach will bless you with success. You will have an uneven trend in this transit on the personal and professional fronts. Your professional relations will be secured and your professional partnership will flourish, only if you are cautious in your behavior pattern with others by avoiding ego clashes and dominance. Avoid any kind of risk in your personal and professional relations. Your marital relations may pose ups and downs in your mutual understanding as the placement of Mars may make you dominant and impulsive where you may invite unnecessary ego clashes and arguments in your partner for no reason over money matters. This transit will endow you with good energy level; but be conscious about your health by trying to make positive changes in your lifestyle and eating habits.

Mars in retrogression in Gemini: This phase advises that being stubborn in your personal and professional life might create hassles for you and that asking for help from others to solve the problem will ease out your stress. You will have to take care of your mental and physical health during this period. You are advised to be vigilant about your health matters and take medical help if required and try to follow a healthy diet and exercise regime; and practice meditation.

Mars falls back in Taurus and its stay in Taurus: For you, this transit will occur in the 7th house that represents marriage and partnership. It will be good for you with mutual harmony with your family and personal relations. You will be able to handle any kind of dispute in your personal arena with a practical approach. This will be a favourable transit for professionals where any new partnership can build up as it will be progressive. Students can expect to get good results in academics, but hard work will be essential.

Caution: Avoid your egoistic behaviour and try to solve your problem by sharing it with someone close who can guide you with sound advice to make sure you are on the track of progress.

  1. Sagittarius

Planetary movements such as Mars (the lord of the 5th house of love and speculation and 12th house of loss and foreign settlement) transiting the 7th house of partnership in Gemini and the retrogression of Mars in Gemini indicate that rivals and partnership will not produce many variations in gains even after increased efforts. Your professional front will see success that will be profitable if you manage opportunities with your wisdom and efforts. Your rivals will try to cash on your incoming challenges in professional life for their personal benefits. You will believe in your efforts more than your destiny and constant effort will give you gains in future. Your personal arena will mark your grace and patience in adjusting vis-à-vis your personal relations, that will bring balance in any conflicting situation. But you will face sudden expenses that will be made to fulfill personal desires; be cautious to stay within your budget as over expenses may lead to financial loss. You will have good physical immunity and good health; but keep a tab on overindulgence when it comes to consuming food.

Mars retrogression in Gemini: This phase indicates that this retrogression will not be easy for you as you will tend to lash back at your rivals with the same intensity of negative emotions and your feelings will take a toll over emotions. Your partner will have a dominant attitude that may result in irrelevant ego clashes, so pay extra attention to your personal relations.

Mars falls back in Taurus and its stay in Taurus: For you, this transit will occur in the 6th house that represents debt, health and rivals and this will be a beneficial transit for you, but with vigilance and hard work. The aspect of Mars from the 6th house on its own sign can be helpful in recovering any old dues or winning over litigation matters. This transit may give you an overall strong competitive spirit to win over your rivals, but be sure to make your tread calculative rather than quick and hasty.

Caution: Be cautious with the approach of words and think before you talk about your issues to avoid any kind of unpleasant scene in your professional and personal domains.

  1. Capricorn

Planetary movements such as Mars (the lord of the 4th house of stability and 11th house of gains and fulfillment of desires) transiting the 6th house of rivals and health in Gemini and the retrogression of Mars in Gemini indicate that you will have a secured relationship and a career with firm footing. You will have good opportunities in the professional front with an increase in the workload, goodwill, wisdom, and sincere efforts. If you are in service, you will enjoy a good relationship with your superiors, colleagues and partners. Family members/partner/spouse will be quite cordial towards you and harmony in personal relations is indicated. You will be positive in your bonding with your personal relationships. If you are single, there will be the chance to meet a partner and develop a good love connection with them due to their responsible attitude. Avoid being harsh with your children as special attention is required to divert their excess energy into positive ventures. Take care of your health during all this workload and stress.

Mars retrogression in Gemini: This period will make you short of patience and your energy levels; you will put your tempered attitude to complete your projects that will require full vigilance and it won’t be beneficial for your progress. You have good chances of winning legal cases, if any. Take care of your health as it may add to your health expenses.

Mars falls back in Taurus and its stay in Taurus: For you, this transit will occur in the 5th house that represents love, children and speculation. This transit will be good and cordial for your personal and familial relationships. Professionals and independent entrepreneurs will have good offers with good gains. Children may perform well in academics; but try to maintain cordial and friendly relations with them for their overall progress during this transit.

Caution: This is the correct time to step back with mindful alertness to assess your physical resources and vitality for mental and physical rest and peace.

  1. Aquarius

Planetary movements such as Mars (the lord of the 3rd house of initiative and siblings and 10th house of career and status) transiting the 5th house of love, creativity and children in Gemini and the retrogression of Mars in Gemini suggest that love and creativity will invite conflict on the personal and professional front. Your personal front will bless you with close proximity to your siblings, especially younger ones who may love to spend quality time with you. This will strengthen your mutual bond with each other and there will be more affection. Your mother and partner will support you in every way, but this transit will tend to make them authoritative and possessive about you without any significant reason. So try to make them feel more secure with your love and bonding. Your workplace will be loaded with extra workload due to increased professional activity and it will be beneficial for you to plan a new strategy of work to complete all tasks on time. This transit will have both positive and negative impacts on you, so you should learn to deal with them with patience rather than aggressively, for efficient management.

Mars retrogression in Gemini: In this period, you will feel restricted flow of creative ideas and you will not be able to meet your commitments on time, that will lead to conflicts on professional front due to your negligence. Your personal front or love relationship will not be cordial and as a parent, you will feel concerned about your children’s overall progress.

Mars falls back in Taurus and its stay in Taurus: For you, this transit will occur in the 4th house that represents domestic peace, stability, mother, property, and vehicle. You are likely to get passive profits from property sale/purchase where any old deal can be finalized. There may be some misunderstandings in personal relations with your spouse/partner. Vigilance is advised on the professional front as it may bring good profit but there are chances of increase in work pressure that will require you to practice yoga and meditation to stay calm.

Caution: Be practical about your innovative ideas, they should be easily executed and try to schedule your personal and professional time based on your priority. Try to keep vigilance around your surroundings.

  1. Pisces

Planetary movements such as Mars (the lord of the 2nd house of wealth and 9th house of luck and long travel) transiting the 4th house of stability and happiness in Gemini and the retrogression of Mars in Gemini will bless you with the goodness of wealth and good relations that will boost your self-confidence. Mars’s transit in Gemini, for you, will be very beneficial for your overall prosperity and growth. You will have your cup of physical stamina, be full of vibrant energy that will boost your competency in your efforts with good skill sets in your professional arena. You will not waste time and engage in straight talk in a positive note and bring good gains and reputation on the professional front. You will indulge in your personal relations with full inclination of making them feel happy with your efforts. You will try to spend some quality time with your partner and family that may include participating with them in their hobbies or taking a short break from work. This will bless you with respect and their acknowledgement.

Mars retrogression in Gemini: This period indicates that all the wellness may be absorbed by unnecessary negativity and you may be involved in the temporary phase of positive zeal, but there is a possibility of difference with your partner/spouse during this period. Avoid any kind of decision related to any property investment or relocation in your profession.

Mars falls back in Taurus and its stay in Taurus: For you, this transit will occur in the 3rd house that represents initiative, courage and short travels. As a professional, you will have a fruitful time and succeed in your ventures with courageous attempts that will be rewarded. But success can lead to a rise in egoistic behaviour that has to be avoided for continuous professional progress and to win over your professional rivals with ease.

Caution: Try to surround yourself with positivity, optimistic trends and peaceful ambience for yourself.

Remedies to mitigate challenges during the Transit

Remedies work like healing tools that not only boost your confidence in adverse situations, but also work as a healer for your soul to motivate you mentally.

  • Donate blood if your health permits or donate jaggery and peanuts to laborers.
  • Wear a copper bracelet on your right hand.
  • Donate red clothes to an orphanage or old age home.


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