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Gemini as a Person

Gemini person though overprotective is a firm believer in Freedom. Neither you like to be restricted nor you restrict others.

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac ruled by Mercury. Lord Mercury represents speech. It is considered the Prince of the zodiac system. Gemini as a person is very versatile in approach and this factor makes them excellent conversationalists.

According to Vedic Astrology, the names given to Gemini are Hemna and Bodhana.

In general, Gemini is symbolized by the “Union of the Male and Female”. When closely looked upon, it signifies two humans embracing each other.

It depicts male and female being involved in perfect union. Whenever male and female energies have a deep urge to reach out to each other, it makes the union extremely meaningful.

There is a basic need to reach out to the world and express ourselves.

Physical Attributes of a Gemini Moon Sign Native

Gemini person is usually tall and straight in stature and active in motion.

You have a thin but well-developed face, elevated nose, clear black eyes, curly hair, and depression near the chin, sanguine complexion, thick neck, and long slender hands.

You are generally active, charming, lively, youthful, and full of life.

The Behavioral Pattern of a Gemini Native

Gemini sign is in its purest form. Therefore, a Gemini person has an inherent desire to reach out to the world with different forms of communication.

You are full of new ideas, concepts, and innovation. Once you are stuck with a thought, they’ll not rest till your thoughts start taking shape of action.

You are a chatty, progressive, and variety seeker. You cannot stick to one thing for a very long time.

You are highly indecisive and have a restless mind.

Gemini person easily gets irritated when things do not work according to them.

Profession Best Suited for Gemini Moon Sign

  • Writers
  • Bankers
  • Executives
  • Businessmen
  • Accountants
  • Journalists
  • Marketing
  • Advertising

Professional Skills of Gemini Person

Gemini person is an excellent communicator. You can reach out to people using your charming and witty personality.

You are always eager to learn something new. You hardly have any ego issues. This makes them highly adaptable and attentive.

You are brilliant planners. You’ll often find Gemini natives multi-tasking. You have the perfect skill-set to blend in with varieties.

Being way too intelligent and brilliant, the Gemini moon sign somehow discovers a solution to every problem.

Gemini provides a cheerful and positive working environment to your employees.

Gemini Love and Marital Relations

As a lover, the Gemini person has a dual nature. You can get involved in multifarious relations at one time. But, once you develop true emotions for someone, you’ll place your heart in the hands of that special person.

If you get into a serious relationship, your partner will not face commitment issues ever in the entire phase of the relationship. Gemini generally prefers a partner who does not bind your personal space. You believe in live and let live kind of scenario.

You are free-spirited, optimistic lovers. Your sense of independence is quite high and you will never appreciate a relationship that will demand compromise of your personal space.

Gemini Family and Friends

Gemini as a person is extremely compassionate and cheerful in domestic matters. You are overprotective about your near and dear ones.

You perform your duties with utmost gratification. You have a special affinity with your home and folks.

You are natural parents/guardians. You can cross any limit to look after your children with the utmost sense of duty.

You do not believe in restricting anybody’s freedom but, will keep a keen eye on your closed ones.

Gemini Styling Sense

If you walk in the closet of a Gemini person, you will keep on revolving in a wheel of confusion as they have a wide variety of attires.

Gemini, you are attracted to clothes that are bold and still comfortable to wear. You love mix-matching colors and patterns like combining dark and light colors with subtle designs and cuts.

When Gemini heads to a closet, they look for a balance between playful and casual.

Regardless of your age, you prefer to dress up in a youthful look and attracted styles that bring out your inner youth and energy.

Whether it’s about your attires, shoes, bags, or accessories, you enjoy making a statement out of them.