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Gemini as a Lover

Gemini is the sign of twins. One is a flirt, the other a committed lover. It all depends who tuo trigger!

Gemini as a lover is Romantic, caring, playful, and fun to be around. The wheel of Fortune amply swings in the favor of the Gemini moon sign in their love-life. However, their tendency to flirt frequently and seek quick changes must be resisted.

Their youthful energy, new ideas, quick changes, the intensity of feelings and emotions, cleverness, flexibility, and communicative skills make their life exciting.

At times, over-enthusiasm in love and romance makes them neglect the angle of stability, but they are ready to move at a short notice and act very fast.

Traits of a Gemini moon sign

People belonging to the Gemini moon sign have an inherent desire to reach out to the world with different forms of communication.

They are full of new ideas, concepts, and innovations. Once they are stuck with a thought, they will not rest till their thoughts start taking the form of action.

Freedom and mobility mean a lot for Gemini moon, thus he neither wants to be possessed by someone nor has possessive nature.

Gemini as a lover never wants to have a clingy partner, they can’t handle too much of emotions.

Gemini Man in Love  

A Gemini man in Love is flexible and easily adjustable. You will attract him if he notices the same traits in you. He is energetic and wants to continue on the go.

He also wants a mental and physical stimulus, so he mostly enjoys meetings that involve some kind of activity.

The Gemini man wants someone who always agrees with their points. He can put an abrupt end to the relationship if he finds it a source of expense and loss and cannot tolerate an overbearing partner.

On the other hand, they will cover any type of tough road for their soul mate. They walk on a path filled with thorns to prove their love for their partner.

They are dramatic in love and romance. They have a tendency to flirt which makes them adapt dramatic means and methods.

Gemini has a changeable personality. Love, ecstasy, intelligence, idealism, sorrow, or joy- these merciful changes of Gemini’s expressions are very fascinating.

He offers a sense of warm security. He has a restless and unpredictable spirit. He has exquisite taste. Love is not strictly a physical relationship with this man.

Gemini Woman in Love  

Gemini women in love are very difficult to be understood, being dual in nature. These damsels are witty, intelligent, lovely but nervous and restless.

Gemini ladies are very intelligent and want mental companionship. They are somewhat argumentative in nature. This needs to be worked upon otherwise it could bring problems in the relationship. They cannot tolerate any opposition to their wishes and plans, which cannot easily be imposed upon them.

Love Guide for Gemini moon sign

In terms of zodiac compatibility, the two most compatible signs for Gemini Love Life are Libra and Aquarius.

Gemini and Libra Love compatibility

Gemini and Libra create a mutual appreciation of all that is refined, artistic, beautiful, sociable, interesting, and informative. Gemini likes to communicate, so he is happy to share with Libra, who in turn, is not satiated or complete when alone.

Gemini's partner is very opinionated and Libra tends to take a lot of things their partner says as a personal insult.

Libra is considered a perfect scale to weigh measure and ultimately arrive at a perfect balance. A Libran keeps working hard to create a perfect balance between personal and professional life.

Both Gemini and Libra are very social and love to indulge in long and deep conversations. Natives belonging to Libra and Gemini moon sign love socializing and mingling with people. This makes them somewhat flirtatious in nature.
However, they are very diplomatic in nature and know how to turn things in their favor. But at the same time, they avoid conflicts most of the time and make sure that they maintain sound relations with their special someone.

Gemini and Aquarius Love compatibility

The lords of these two signs have a completely different nature and favorable points. Gemini can accept a detached or unpredictable mood of Aquarius and is mentally stimulated both by Aquarian’s originality and inventiveness. The unconventional and changeable quality of this relationship keeps it interesting.

Being airy signs, Gemini and Libra are very compatible with friendship and relationship matters.

Gemini and Aquarius understand each other perfectly when it comes to their emotions. The unstable nature of Gemini can make them change their mind within no time, and they are not feeling satisfied or good in a relationship, they will set themselves free without giving it a second thought.

In most cases, their logical and sensible nature will complement each other, but there is not much emotion to be built in the core of their relationship.

When Gemini and Aquarius engage in an intellectual debate, they are fun for everyone to watch. They are always brimming with new ideas to showcase their love and emotions to their partners.

Gemini and Libra Sexual and Intimacy Compatibility

Gemini as a lover is a very passionate and physical lover. Libra and Gemini will engage in explicit lovemaking. Gemini will find Libra simply captivating. Libras take the relationship seriously. As long as Gemini is active and not bored, a love match is relished.

Gemini and Aquarius Sexual and Intimacy Compatibility

Gemini can be playful and mischievous in the bedroom. Aquarius will be sexually experimental and join in the pleasure.

Gemini’s sexual experiments will ignite exploding passion in the bedroom. Aquarius will offer sensuality and creativity to their Gemini lover.

Traits to be corrected

Gemini's love life would be great if they avoid getting worried and anxious. They should be cautious to avoid strife. Events will be faster in their life than others, so they should bear with them and not feel disheartened.