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The Virgo Woman

Virgo woman is secretive, social & systematic, all at the same time. Virgo woman is helpful yet overly critical at times.
A Virgo moon sign born woman is a rare mix of intelligence and common sense. She is soft at heart but tough on the outside. Her commitment and loyalty set an example for others to follow. Virgo woman is smart, modest, and capable of doing anything she puts her mind to.

With a keen eye for detail, she will never skip any important information or event. She is an introvert, in general, but if you are part of her close-knit circle you will know that she has a fun-loving, easy-going, insane, and crazy side to her.

Virgo woman is not indifferent but practical and cautious in starting a new relationship. She doesn’t like to be committed to a relationship without assessing the pros and cons of it, and therefore, you need to be highly patient if you are seeking a Virgo moon sign woman to be your love or a life partner.

This Virgo Horoscope Reading is based on Moon Sign. Are you a Virgo Moon Sign? Find it out instantly. Moon Sign is a very significant Astrological Mark to know your future!

Physical attributes of a Virgo woman

A Virgo moon sign born woman has a slender physique with lean a body structure. Her eyes are almond-shaped, bright, and shiny with a small nose and elongated chin. She has an attractive smile that reaches her eyes.

Behavioral constitution of a Virgo woman

Methodical, modest, practical, caring, loving, and reliable are some words that describe the Virgo moon sign that born a woman. They are charming and perfectionist with a tendency to worry too much about things. They are blessed with an excellent memory and a sharp wit.
They are logical thinkers and will evaluate a situation before taking a final call. They may appear introvert, at first, but once she allows you to get closer, you will discover a completely different fun-loving and happy soul. They are simple and stable beings and like routine things in life.

Style sense of a Virgo woman

A Virgo woman has an amazing sense of style. She has the right understanding of what will suit her and what not and also has an eye for craftsmanship. Her fashion tastes are simple yet elegant and classy.


A Virgo moon sign woman is completely dedicated to serving her relationships. She is loving, caring, trustworthy, and reliable. Virgo woman will not mind doing the smallest of things to keep her loved ones happy. Her need for perfection, at times, make her appear rude and ungracious. She needs to understand to let go of things and embrace imperfection, as flaws also have an exquisiteness of their own.

As a Daughter

As a daughter, a Virgo moon sign born woman oozes charisma and humor. She is loving and caring towards her parents and will not hesitate to show her affection towards them. She has the sensibilities of values and family traditions from a very young age and she has the logical mind to reality before childhood fantasies.

  • She is an introvert and you might have a tough time taking her to social gatherings and she may feel uncomfortable.
  • She isn’t rigid but she would take her time to absorb information and analyze it in her way to act accordingly. Therefore, patience is the key to deal with her.

As a Sister

A Virgo sister would always be protective and loving of her siblings. She will put their needs and comfort before her and will not think twice to do whatever it takes to keep them happy and content. Virgo woman might be conservative, at times, but her intentions are pure and she is only being concerned about your safety.

  • She loves you and cares for you and desires the same in return. She can be a bit too critical at times, but you can take it with a pinch of salt, as her intentions are never to hurt you.
  • She is always at your back and you can lean on her for emotional support and otherwise.

As a Friend

A Virgo moon sign born female friend is one madhouse of energy and fun, but she can also be quite critical of everything you do or you are. However, you are one lucky person if you have her as a friend in your life, as she makes for one of the most loyal friends of the entire zodiac. You can trust her to always be truthful to you and can bank on her advice to overcome challenging situations.

  • Virgo woman doesn’t have too many friends but quantity is never important to her. She is happy with her small circle of friends and they are hers for life.
  • She quite intellectual and loves to have deep conversations. Having immense analytical skills they are your go-to-person for any solution.

As a Lover

Represented by the symbol of earth, a Virgo moon sign woman makes for sensitive, strong, and firm lovers. She craves stability in a relationship and is faithful to her partner. She wants to be loved and desired and might take a long time to accept a love proposal and express her love to you.

  • She is not the one to be seduced by luxuries and expensive gifts, but loyalty, trust, and sensibilities matter to her the most.
  • Irresponsible and impulsive partners will put her off immediately and she will build a strong wall around her to let any of such encroachers in.

As a Wife

A Virgo moon sign born woman is a very loyal and loving wife. She is caring and intelligent, industrious and practical, with a great sense of financial management.

Virgo woman doesn’t have splendid tastes and loves a realistic and simple lifestyle. You will find her house tidy and well-organized. She would often try to restrain expressing her feelings for you but deep inside she will be committed to you.

  • Marriage is a lifetime association for a Virgo moon sign woman and she will do whatever it takes to conserve the sanctity of this relationship.
  • With her overbearing critical nature and highly sarcastic undertone, she might come across as a rigid and indifferent person.

As a Mother

As a mother a Virgo woman is loving, caring, gentle, giving, and devoted towards her children. She is detail-oriented and will not skip even a minute aspect of her baby’s growth and milestones. She is a multitasker and plans well and thus will balance out pleasure and restrain in her children’s life.

  • She likes well-behaved and punctual children. Cleanliness, hygiene, and mannerisms mean a lot to her.
  • She is highly protective of her children and they can bank on her emotional support and guidance.


A Virgo moon sign born woman has great communication skills with a sharp memory and analytical bent of mind. She is incredibly grounded and ambitious at the same time. Virgo woman likes routine and a monotonous job with minimal changes works fine with her.
She is capable of bringing order to chaos and solution to the most severe problems and is thus approached by colleagues and managers alike for assistance in challenging times. She can make a successful career as a critique, journalist, teacher, and doctor.

As a Student

A Virgo moon sign born woman is a studious type of student. She is organized, shy, and a bit introvert. A perfectionist, she leaves no stone unturned to secure good grades in school. She is respectful and obedient towards the teachers and amiable and helpful towards her classmates.

  • You will find a Virgo female classmate making lots of notes and being pretty structured in her studies.
  • She is hardworking and craves nothing less than excellence in her academic endeavors. She is fun to be with too when she lets out her humorous side to her friends.

As an Employee

A Virgo woman employee is a versatile worker. She is highly adaptable, intelligent, and reliable. She dislikes an unorganized and chaotic work environment and is repulsive of laziness and half-baked jobs. She will not sit comfortably until she is finished with the task at hand. She is not a faced-paced worker but will stick to her commitments and timelines.

  • She is quality prone and action-oriented and is highly analytical with a sharp wit.
  • You need to treasure her because you seldom get an employee as devoted and as loyal as her. She is not the one to compromise on her pride and self-respect, so you need to trade with a little caution with her.

As a Boss

With a Virgo moon sign born female boss, you are sure to be on the forefront as she happily stays in the background to support you with her wit and wisdom. However, it isn’t too easy to work with a Virgo woman boss as she is inclined towards getting the tangible outcomes, done in the right way, delivered at the right time, and in the most economical way.

  • She is gentle, kind-hearted, and appreciated as a boss. They listen to each of your feedback and suggestions and critically analyze them to come up with the most suitable means to work forward.
  • She can be way too critical at times with her eye for detail and it won’t be easy for you to please her easily.

As a Business professional

The calculative approach and independent outlook of Virgo moon sign born woman make her a good fit to be an entrepreneur. She is good at forming a hypothesis and methodically work around things.

  • Virgo woman makes for a successful businesswoman with her grit, firmness, rationality, and acumen.
  • Unflustered by emotions, she banks her decision on practicality, logic, and reality. Good with her financial management, she will always invest in safe options after thoroughly analyzing all the pros and cons of the deal.