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Taurus Man

Taurus man, a perfectionist at work, is the most stable & knowledgeable sign, most of his actions are ruled by intellect

Represented by the sign of a ‘bull’, Taurus moon sign natives are blessed with great endurance and patience. In Hindu mythology, the bull is depicted by Lord Shiva’s vehicle called ‘Nandi’. It is said to signify married life, prosperity, and progeny factors in one’s life. Thus, Taurus man is believed to have a lot of pro-creative energy.

Taurus Man likes to take things in their natural course. They are one of the most reliable, patient, and practical moon signs of the zodiac. They are devoted to their work, towards their spouse and family.

They are not impulsive but they aren’t lazy either. They are in fact, responsible and stable in their thoughts and will wait for the right opportunity to take full advantage of it.

Even their passions in life are not aimless. They have hobbies and likings with a purpose, like they enjoy gardening, cooking and composing or creating music – something which can add value.  

They have a calculated approach towards physical, social, and personal desires and are also good at making money and saving that too.

This Taurus Horoscope Reading is based on Moon Sign. Are you a Taurus Moon Sign? Find it out instantly. Moon Sign is a very significant Astrological Mark to know your future!

Physical attributes of a Taurus man

A Taurus moon sign born man will be of a medium to short stature. He will have a plum body, a broad forehead, and a square face. A thick neck, big shoulders, and whitish complexion are some of the other physical features of a Taurus man. Being a stable sign they are blessed with good health, in general.

Behavioral constitution of a Taurus man

A Taurus man has a lot of knowledge. Their actions are ruled by intellect, and you will seldom find them making hasty decisions. They are quite ambitious and cheerful people, and you will find them sharing their joys with others and spreading happiness around. They value their freedom and care a great deal about it.

They are focused and stubborn in a positive way, as they will not budge until they are completely satisfied with a task or have been able to complete it on time.

Style sense of a Taurus Man

Ruled by Venus, the Taurus moon sign man has an obvious penchant for branded and luxurious things. They like earthy tones and shades and dress up in a balanced style. They have just the perfect taste in color and style. They prefer blending with the crowd, instead of staying apart from them.


For a man born under the Taurus moon sign, the home comes first. The matters of family are very important to them. They value their family relations and have respect for family values and cultures. They like to be part of family functions and will not miss them for anything in the world. They are also good at hosting parties for family and friends. They take good care of their family and friends and expect the same levels of care and attention from others.

Taurus as a Son

A Taurus son is loving and affectionate but also stubborn and uncompromising, at the same time. They will be extremely devoted towards their parents and will take care of them, dutifully.

  • Even when young a Taurus moon sign born son will be quite practical in approach and will also be good in money dealings.
  • It is difficult to get them to do something they dislike. They have very strong likes and dislikes.
  • They are tactile and like routine things. Sudden and unexpected events and things make them uncomfortable. So, think before planning a big birthday surprise for them.

Taurus as a Brother

If you have a Taurus brother, be ready to be spied on. Taurus moon sign born brothers are extremely concerned about the safety of their siblings. They are kind, considerate, stable but a little conservative, too.

  • So, if you have an older Taurus brother forget going out for late-night parties and get-togethers, too often.
  • And, if you have a younger Taurus born brother, be prepared to be snubbed. They don’t mean to disrespect you, but they will not buy your ideas and viewpoints just for the sake of showing reverence to you.

Taurus as a Friend              

Taurus moon sign born friends are always loyal, faithful, and willing to help their friends. For them, friendships are forever. They will keep in touch with their childhood friends and they will ensure that the friendship endures for a lifetime.

  • Taurus man picks their friends pretty carefully and once they have made a friendship, they will go to any lengths to maintain the bond.
  • They will always have your back, no matter what. Taurus makes one of the most reliable and trustworthy friends.

Taurus as a Lover

Generally, Taurus man makes for sensual, but dedicated lovers. They are easy to get along with, provided you don’t provoke their stubborn side. It would be pretty difficult for a Taurus moon sign born boyfriend to understand things from your perspective, so avoid wasting your energies in getting them to do so.

  • The desire for sexual pleasure is more than emotional comfort in Taurus loves.
  • He would be slow and steady in his approach to love and love life.
  • As a lover to him, you need to be highly patient as they are not very swift in processing emotions.

Taurus as a Husband

A Taurus man makes for a trustworthy, loyal, and dependable husband. If he has decided that you are the one with whom he would like to walk down the aisle, he will be there for you whole-heartedly and will give away anything to make the marriage work. He loves to take care of his wife and will indulge her in all the luxuries of life.

  • For them, both physical and emotional satisfaction is equally important in a marital relationship.
  • They are not very demonstrative but can be possessive, at times.
  • A Taurus as a husband is resistant to changes and would seek a stable domestic life.

Taurus as a Father

Like any other father, a Taurus moon sign born father is also concerned about the well-being of their children and will be focused on getting materialistic gains for their comfort and consumption. They value family ties and love to spend quality time at home.

  • They are loving, caring, and affectionate towards their children.
  • They will take care of children’s needs and progress.
  • They are likely to utilize their energy in a calculative and practical way and not based on emotions while working towards achieving family gains.


Taurus moon sign natives make for good professionals. They are hardworking and reliable. Stability and consistency is the key to understand their work routine. They are most likely to get immense success in creative fields. Thus, a career as an artist, creative writer, director, painter, or storyteller would suit them best. Taurus man can also perform well in jobs that require knowledge and application of computer programs and systems. They are responsible and highly organized, and thus can even succeed in professions like banking, investments, and finances.

Taurus as a Student

A Taurus born will be quite emotionally settled and practical when it comes to education. They will take their studies seriously, as a student. Their success rate in academics is rather good. They will be shy and quiet but will have exceptional observational skills.

  • They make for focused and hardworking students and will enjoy studies, in general.
  • They are punctual and responsible and will ensure completing their homework or assignments in time.
  • They are intelligent and disciplined but also know how to strike a balance between fun and studies, very well.

Taurus as an Employee

You will never get to see as much patience in anyone as there is in Taurus man. They have bundles of it and that makes them quite a reliable and steady employee. In a time when job-hopping has become common, you can trust a Taurus employee to stick to you and be loyal to the organization, unless you got them on the wrong foot.

  • They prefer a systematic schedule and a routine approach to work.
  • They are sort of a perfectionist and will not pass off a project until and unless they are sure of its quality.
  • They have great time management skills, so rest assured you will never get to send them any reminders for an approaching work deadline, you will get it on time or even before the scheduled date.

Taurus as a Boss

As a boss, a Taurus man will demand all the qualities in his subordinate as he has as a worker. He would want his employees to work on targets and push them to meet the set deadlines. For them, project delivery time is as important as project quality. They have a plan and will work towards it systematically. They don’t appreciate employees who are impulsive and impatient.

  • A Taurus boss will have a considerate attitude towards his employees. He will be practical and realistic in dealing with professional matters and will never give out unattainable targets.
  • A Taurus boss will always be highly appreciative of your loyalty. Trust and truth score much higher on his professional scale than plain monetary gains.

Taurus as a Business Professional

The much-needed attributes of trust, focus, and stability are the essence of a Taurus moon sign native and thus they make for good entrepreneurs. As a businessman acquiring materialistic gains and making profits builds their sense of achievement.

  • They have a positive attitude, which makes them take on entrepreneurial challenges rather skillfully.
  • They are blessed with a practical acumen that is needed to make it big in the business world.
  • Their slow, steady, and calculative approach towards decision-making helps them crack fruitful business deals and make informed investments for better gains.