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Libra - An Overview, Read all about Libra Horoscope

Libra -

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, aptly represented by Scales for their life is a constant struggle to seek balance and justice. These are levelheaded individuals, good at finding the middle ground, often known as the troubleshooters. Moon in Libra makes you emotionally intelligent, but also dependent on relationships. You are a gentle and easygoing soul, too easy to fall in love and get your heart broken. You are most compatible with sociable and intellectual signs with a need to communicate such as Gemini or Aquarius. You may not work well with wanderers like Sagittarius or emotionally detached Capricorn. You intrinsic need to be in a relationship makes you fall for wrong partners all the time. Libra is the only sign with an inanimate object as the symbol than a living thing. This represents that you live your life more as a perpetual concept than a mortal breathing being.

This Libra Horoscope Reading is based on Moon Sign, a very important Astrological Mark to know your future. Are you a Libra Moon Sign? Find it out instantly.

In an attempt to please all those around you and stick to your partner, you tend to be too obliging and your decisions are dictated by others than your ironclad will-power. Venus being your ruling planet gives an aesthetic sense and eye for beauty. Creativity, works of art, and the concept of ideal love, all appeal to your imagination.

Being an Air sign, there is a sense of unpredictability in your actions and a ‘flighty’ quality in your love affairs. The air element also gives you the art of diplomacy. You are a multi-lingual person, good with communication; people come to you for solutions.

Libra is a Cardinal sign, thus you should be the initiator of things. You are a peacemaker, who does initiate solutions to problems that nobody has ever thought of. Your power of initiation comes to fruition with communication. Having the power of persuasion, you could be a great orator, the justice lover, the go between.

Libra’s biggest strength is their balanced approach to situations. You look at the matter at hand from different angles to find a common ground. You are a charming peace-loving person, thus work well in relationships.

Your biggest weaknesses include your tendency to procrastinate, retreat and escape than confront the situations. This makes you seem unreliable at times.

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