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Identifying Barriers to Success with Vedic Astrology

This article will help you to identify the astrological reasons which are responsible for creating obstacles and barriers in the path of your success. This article will guide you with what path and ways you should acquire to avoid such impediments on your way, through Vedic astrology.


Vedic astrology is a science which is pervasive, encompassing all the timelines. It lays bare the individual aptitudes, skills, values, motivation and behaviors through cognitive behavioral assessment and forecasting. It is one of the unique abilities of Vedic Astrology.

Vedic astrology studies the planetary movements and motions with respect to time and co-relates that to the effect on human beings. Vedic astrology is meant to be a guiding tool that encourages you. It energizes you to make conscious decisions in order to avoid negative aspects in life.

Analysis of the astrological birth chart leads the way for good guidance towards the knowledge.

  • To understand individual’s life purpose
  • Eg. Students often want to know the best for their academic growth and professionals query is related to their job/business and career opportunities.
  • How to process the natural ability of any native to the maximum
  • Eg. The native is guided by the astrologer based on the strength of planetary configuration for any future course of action.
  • In vision of new innovative possibilities and ideas
  • In this case, the native acquires success from his/her benefic planets and their placements.
  • To identify the best options of actions for success in life

In this case, Astrology acts as a perfect teacher. Check out what kind of teacher you will be, based on your zodiac sign.

Vedic Astrology confidently states the quotient that the ‘success in one’s destiny is negotiable. Success is defined as the peace of mind and gratification of desires. It is attained according to one’s potential to follow their self-path. This also evolves according to one’ s true nature.

So, the overall assessment of the astrologer involves the detecting, analyzing, and interpreting the most suitable and smooth path of life of any individual. They also identify the obstacles involved. They restrict the creative flow of expressions towards one’s desires and goals.

Some of those barriers can be as follows:

  • Lower mental strength – unable to cope up with pressure
  • Procrastination – being lazy and leaving everything till the last moment
  • Disorganization – lack of clarity and organizational structure
  • Inconsistent motivation and will power – absence of the will to continue
  • Low self-esteem and confidence – lack of self-worth, value and importance
  • Persistent negative attitudes like anger and pessimism – having a negative approach towards everything in life.

Check out how stressed and for what reasons you can get stressed, based on your zodiac sign.

Significant Barriers to Success in any Horoscope:

Every individual has their own path to success based on their own planetary configuration. This celestial route is determined through your horoscope at the time of your birth. To map out your astrological pathway, it is essential to chalk out a few things.

The peripheral and a detailed analysis of Planets, Moon Signs, Nakshatra, Houses, House Lords and aspects between planets is considered. Elements of planets and three principles of sign modalities - Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable are taken into account.

What are the astrological suggestions of getting your desired job? Find it out here.

The Astrological Diary of any Horoscope: Navgrahas or Nine Planets:

  1. Mercury

Pros - When the princely Mercury is stable and strong in any horoscope, it brings out productivity in your daily scheduled work. You work efficiently and intelligently manage your tasks with manipulated efforts and clear communications with others.

Cons - On the contrary, weak or afflicted Mercury makes any native incapable to make alignment with others with clear communication and apply one talents and abilities with perfection.

Example - Mr. Amitabh Bachchan presents a unique example of Mercury in horoscope. Mercury is the lord of the 8th house and placed in its own sign. Mercury gives him the talent of good communication. It allows him to be the trouble shooter. However, this placement also gives him the low vitality of health at times.

  1. Mars

Pros – Mars is a planet of instant impulsive nature. When strong and favourable, it aids to overcome daily challenges with good sense and exactitude. It bestows energy, stamina, and passion on the native.

Cons - When Mars is afflicted or weak, it is very challenging to resolve any problems with their usual focus and motivation. There comes a great deal of inner turmoil and indecision which bars one’s efforts towards success

Example: Prime Minister Mr. Modi has Mars is placed in its own sign in ascendant in conjunction with debilitated Moon. It makes him a man of quick action, but his hasty action also make him easily prone to the judgment of rivals in public.

  1. Sun

Pros - Sun is the pivotal planet in any horoscope and the strength and well placement of dynamic Sun in any horoscope makes the native full of energy and committed to his/her goals

Cons - But this ever-persisting energy for pursuing goals diminishes due to low vitality, imperfect physical health, and lack of self-confidence, which is attributed to weak or afflicted Sun in any horoscope.

Example: Generally, majority the politicians have the strong placement of Sun in their 10th house, or it is posited in the house of gains. Same is seen in our present leading Prime minister Mr. Modi.

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  1. Moon

Pros – Strong and favourable Moon blesses the native with the ability to adjust mentally and emotionally to changing events and work with usual efficiency and practical approach with available resources.

Cons – Weak or afflicted Moon will reinforce mental stress and lack of alignment with changing challenges of daily schedule which will disturb the peace of mind and hinder the success of the native.

Example: Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s horoscope is a good example of debilited Moon in Scorpio sign which gave him a childhood which was full of struggle.

  1. Jupiter

Pros – Strong and enterprising Jupiter promotes patience, hope, optimism and wisdom to incorporate steps of success in all futuristic avenues of life. Jupiter is the ruler of the brain which promotes knowledge and intelligence.

Cons – A weak or afflicted Jupiter in any horoscope negates the wisdom. The native will fail to assimilate facts with precision. The success will be lined up with personal and professional contradictions.

Example: The aspect of exalted Jupiter in the birth chart of APJ Abdul Kalam gave him the heights of creativity and intelligence, as he is known as the Missile man of India.

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  1. Venus

Pros – Strong and favourable Venus in any horoscope promotes the luxury to have good and healthy relationships. It makes you loaded with the fortune of having options to choose gain-yielding choices in life.

Cons – The weak or afflicted Venus denotes the lack of peace in life with unfulfilled desires that prevail the psyche of the native and victimize the success towards their goals.

Example: Presence of Venus in the 8th house blesses Mr. Amitabh Bachchan with the beauty of his talent in Bollywood but it also made his lower abdomen very sensitive in health matters.

  1. Saturn

Pros – Saturn needs to be strong and favourable in any horoscope to make the native grounded, practical to have the stamina to face challenges and focus on one’s goals.

Cons – Weak or afflicted Saturn reduces the endurance, organized focus and the stamina needed for the fulfillment of any desired goal of life and native lacks the desired success in life.

Example: The horoscope of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi reveals that he had a strong placement of Saturn in the house of wealth and family, with Ascendant Libra. But he was not able he was not able to enjoy the riches, luxury, enjoyment, and family life personally and lived a very simple life.

It is important to know your lucky charms to guide you through problems and negativities in life. Find it out here.

Planetary Barriers to Success:

The psychological health of any horoscope can be related with the vast series of interconnections of planets, houses, signs, nakshatra, aspects, yogas [combinations of planets] with each other.

Some basic astrological examples are listed below which hinders the success in any horoscope:

  • When Ketu and Saturn mutually aspect each other in an unfriendly sign, the native may set high standards of his/her personal goals. This may peak their stress to a higher level and the individual may impede his/her success.
  • If the third house or third house lord is weak or afflicted, it will hinder the progress of success in a balanced way. One may have to struggle to remain motivated and focused on their goals.
  • When dual signs like Gemini/ Virgo/ Sagittarius/ Pisces sign is afflicted by weak or malefic planets, then the native will be more prone towards indecisiveness between options, have restless tendencies which will deviate the native from their real purpose. Their inconsistent attitude and actions will obstruct the success in any horoscope.
  • When Nakshatra or Moon signs like Bharani/ Mula/ Purva Ashada/ Purva Bhadrapada are prominent and afflicted, then the native may be prone to emotional extremes. Issues like ego, restlessness, arrogance, anger, uncooperativeness, and being fearful due to stressful situation arise. This causes a insecure and wavering mind, which can create barriers to success in any horoscope.

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Countless Yogas [combinations of planets] exist which portrays barrier to success. Some of the barrier causing Yogas are as follows:

  • Sakata yoga – Moon in 6th, 8th, 12th house from Jupiter obstructs the flow of fortune in any horoscope.

Example: The Sakat yoga is present in the horoscope of Bala Saheb Thackeray [an Indian politician. He formed the Shiv Sena party in Maharashtra], and had to face lot of struggles in his life.

  • Paap Kartari Yoga - Malefic planets hemming from the adjoining houses - To ascendant, To Moon or the 5th house.

Example: Mr. Salman Khan, Bollywood actor, possesses this yoga in his horoscope. Venus, his marriage house lord is hemmed between Sun and Saturn making a Paap kartari Yoga.

  • Gola Yoga - This yoga is identical to the Stellium of western astrology, where three or more planets are posited in one sign in any house which imbalances its activities.
  • Shrapit Yoga - when Rahu and Saturn are conjoined in any horoscope [inner and outer impediments are reflected]
  • Kala Sarpa Yoga - All planets posited on one side of the zodiac between the lunar nodes creates extremes high and low in life.

All the zodiac signs are placed in three modalities of Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable signs, which have four zodiac signs from each element of fire, earth, water and air, in each group.

When these elements are weak in any horoscope, they will bring out the extremities of every action and emotion. That will create barrier in bringing success in the lives of the natives.

All the ascendants of the zodiac have different element. For example – Aries-fire- anger, Taurus-earth-practical, Gemini-Air-communication, Cancer-water- nurturing. All zodiac signs tend to have these unique qualities based on their zodiac element.

Recognize the importance of astrology in the field of education and see which zodiac signs are best suited in this field.


Everyone wants to progress in their perspective life path but only a few have a successful landing of their desires. Often one wonders that even after working so hard, one fails to achieve success. This lack of success is not because of less effort or poor quality of work but rather some astrological intervention or barriers.

At this point, it becomes very essential to identify that significant problem which is blocking the flow of manifestation of success in the birth horoscope of any individual.

These blocks may be in the progressions of Dasa chart and transit. These must be identified and analyzed by the astrological expert to pinpoint the source of the problem. Some astrological solutions and remedies are to be recommended to overcome barriers to success and help facilitate a more progressive and fulfilling life.