Financial prospects seem satisfactory this month and you may chance upon a new source of income too. Expenses on some dispute or health treatment may tilt the balance but in flow of cash would match it up. Nonetheless, unexpected expenditure is also possible so caution is advised. You may also spend on buying a vehicle or on spiritual travels. Chances of buying your own home are there as well. You would become a lot more devoted and compassionate this month, may practice charity too.
Your cash-boosting efforts would be rewarding this month. Things could be pretty revved up moneywise, particularly if you are into fields like writing, teaching, transport, editing, surgery, engineering or defense. If any confusion persists in financial matters, your father would help you make the right decisions. While expenses may be a bit on the higher side, you would get relief from EMIs now. Benefit in tax related matters would also bring some financial respite this month. Things would be more or less balanced on the financial front.
Income from foreign sources is in the cards too. Money could also roll in through salary hike financial assistance from mother. Concerning investments, you could consider speculation but for long-term prospects only. Curtailing expenses would work in your favor, or you might struggle to pay off money that you borrowed lately.