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2019 Health Horoscope


Good health & wellbeing are the greatest gifts which we don’t value until we fall sick & regret the time when we neglected our health due to work or sheer carelessness. It is being said again & again that ‘Prevention is better than Cure’, just to prevent you & your family from disease and discomfort in 2019, Indastro.com has done a thorough health horoscope analysis of all the 12 zodiac signs. Some problems can’t be prevented but with some precautions & care their effects on your body can be reduced to a great extent. To keep your life sunny and bright in the New Year, read 2019 health horoscope and get ready to fight every virus & germ which could possibly think to attack your health in 2019.
If we talk about influence of major planets on health in 2019, then almost all planets emphasis to add routine to your life. You don’t need to make your life monotonous; all you need to do is balance work & personal life. A well-designed daily schedule will help you can pay due attention to health & fitness as well as help you to utilize your personal time efficiently.  

Jupiter will be in the Scorpio sign in 2019. Carelessness and improper time management could severely affect your health and well being. Jupiter retrogrades from 10th April 2019 to 11th August 2019. There is possibility Jupiter could give some unknown or hidden diseases in this period. A health-checkup in this time period would be of much help as per the 2019 health horoscope analysis.

You might face sourness in joints & muscles due to Sun’s transit in the Sagittarius sign. People with pain in joints or arthritis should take utmost care of themselves in 2019 to avoid troublesome situations. Balanced diet and morning walk are mandatory as they would boost your immune strength because Sun’s transit in the 6th, 8th & 12th house in 2019 which could possibly affect your body’s immune strength. You should avoid landing yourself in situations which could lead to arguments &/or disagreements. They are likely to affect your mental peace and cause stress and sleeplessness.
Yoga & meditation would be helpful to bring calmness and peace in your life. Aspect of Saturn on Rahu in March could cause mental pressure & stress. Engage yourself in outdoor activities or plan a vacation to tone down the impulsive energies in your head. Moreover, Mercury retrogrades from 5th March 2019 to 28th March 2019. Avoid unhealthy junk food & cold beverages to prevent throat or lung infections. Every time you drink or eat something, just ask yourself whether you are feeding or fighting diseases by consuming them.

To enjoy the glow of great health, have a sneak peek of your 2019 health horoscope:

Aries: This year your health will be satisfactory. You can be fit & fab with little bit of workout & healthy diet. Avoid being a hot head and mediate to channelize your energies positively. Balanced Diet and morning walk will help to increase your immunity power. Read More

Taurus: Presence of Saturn in your 8th house can cause difficulty in health. You should avoid street food to prevent weight gain as well we all know ‘a moment on lips, forever on hips’.  Also, over-eating can cause stomach related problems. 2019 health horoscope suggest you to take care of your genitals. Read More

Gemini: You need to stop over-thinking and get some sleep/rest. You have been stressing yourself with unnecessary thoughts for a while and it has already caused problems like insomnia and regular headaches. It is high time you mend you ways and alter your way of thinking. Read More

Cancer: Your health will be better in 2019 as compared to last year because Jupiter blesses you with good health & brings relief in past ailments. You should take care of your eating patterns as it might cause problems in stomach. Aerobics and steady exercise would be helpful to improve your physical strength. Read More

Leo: Presence of Saturn & Ketu in your 5th house could possibly cause psychological problems. You will turn into a worrywart and invite problems affecting your wellbeing & health. Take care of past ailment, as it could bother you again in this year. Read More

Virgo: If your daily routine gets imbalanced, then your health is certain to get affected. Pushing yourself to work too much could lead to stress & tension.  Special care of heart & muscles is required. You should avoid caffeinated products & red meat. Read More

Libra: You might have to struggle sleeplessness & nervousness due to Mercury’s retrograde. Avoid bath with very hot water & moisture your skin properly as there are chances of some skin problems. Mediation would helpful you to distress.  Read More

Rahu in your 8th house makes you impulsive and increases the tendency to pick fights. Engage yourself in cross-fit exercises or some other rigorous workout to get rid of the brimming energy inside your body. Keep a cool temperament otherwise it will start affecting your health. Read More

Sagittarius: Saturn, Ketu & Jupiter could create health problems for you. You should take utmost care & consume balanced diet. Morning walk and regular workout would help you to keep your body fit & healthy. Avoid oily food and too much of desserts. Read More

Capricorn: Saturn in the 12th house could turn you into pessimist. Lack of communication or socialization could affect your health. Meditation or talking with your friend or spouse would help to release stress and tension. Read More About

Aquarius: Rahu in your 5th house is the reason behind all those negative thoughts inside your head. Saturn will give relief in past ailments. There is a possibility you might suffer from like psychological problems like hypertension, stress, tension, nervousness as well as insomnia if you don’t balance your work & personal life. Read More About

Pisces: Saturn will bring relief and help you to recover fast in 2019. There could be discomforts related to  pain in joints and muscles, exercise & stretch to avert such problems.  Add healthy greens in your diet to boost your immune strength. Read More About