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2023 Taurus Health, Family & Children Horoscope

2023 Taurus Health, Family & Children Horoscope

2023 Taurus health, family and children horoscope gives a mixed trend in these sectors. The year 2023 will be a taxing time in terms of your health as the 12th house of health and expenditure will be activated throughout the year after April 2023. Any health-related negligence may result in health loss and could raise healthcare costs. The family and children sector will be positive with the possibility of a new addition to the family at the beginning of the year and there will be joy and happiness in your family life. Children's health priorities must not be ignored.

In 2023, Saturn is one of the significant planets that will move to Aquarius on 17 January 2023 in the 10th house of career and will have its aspect over the 12th house of loss and health, family happiness, marriage and partnership. Jupiter will leave Pisces on 22nd April 2023 and move to Aries, thus activating the 12th house throughout the year. Rahu and Ketu will move to the 11th house of gains and 5th house of children in Pisces and Aries respectively on 30 October 2023 but will remain in the 12th and the 6th house respectively throughout the year, emphasizing the health and loss area of your horoscope.

  • Beginning of 2023 will be fruitful in terms of health, family and children as the placement of Jupiter in the 11th house of gains till April will bless you with healing and happiness despite challenges.
  • The possibility of having healthy children is visible during the months of January-April when Jupiter has its vision on the 5th house of children.
  • Children in academics will achieve success and will receive progress and growth.

The entry of Venus in the 12th house along with Rahu from 12 March – 7 April may bring about health problems related to hormones or menopause. Mercury’s retrogression in April and August will bring about conflicts and health-related worries to the forefront with family and children.

The transit of Jupiter in Aries on 22 April and the dual aspect of Jupiter and Saturn on the 4th house of family happiness will bring along social parties or auspicious spiritual events that will make the family atmosphere harmonious.

  • You will focus on the happiness of your family, but your health needs attention as well because it could be ignored owing to outside variables like your career and social activities.

Take steps to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eating habits in your daily schedule as the transit of Jupiter and Rahu will tend to make you work and your stress levels will be high due to internal and external responsibilities on the same panel.

The latter half of 2023 will bring the joy of acquiring luxuries/assets and comforts for your family when Mars and Venus will move to the 4th house in Leo. Loads of joy and happiness will be present but tension at the home front is visible in the latter half of 2023 due to health problems of your loved one as retrograde Saturn is present in the 10th house and Jupiter and Rahu present in the 12th house from its aspect over the 4th house of happiness will hinder peace and prosperity.

  • The movement of Rahu in the 11th house of gains and Ketu in the house of children towards the end of 2023 will solve the health problems of children but with strict vigilance over their diet and medicine. Family happiness and harmony will be good by the end of 2023 with patience and efforts due to the aspect of Saturn on family happiness.




2023 Horoscope Analysis

2023 is going to be an exciting year with Saturn’s journey through Dhanistha Nakshatra shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius after 29 years, making you begin your professional journey or relationships anew... more

  • 2023 horoscope
    USD 39 / Rs.2340
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2023 Taurus Health and Wellness: Predictions

Taurus 2023 health horoscope predicts that your 8th house Lord, Jupiter, will be transiting in the 12th house from 22 April 2023, due to which you may suffer from health issues related to allergy or skin. Rahu–Ketu axis will activate the 6th and 12th house of health and loss respectively throughout the year and will demand alertness over the health of your loved ones.

Taurus women may face problems related to hormones or menopause during March-April due to the entry and conjunction of Venus with Rahu in the 12th house. Retrograde Mercury during April and August can cause skin-related problems. So, you are advised to be vigilant and conscious of your health throughout the year by following a healthy diet and exercise regime with yoga and meditation in your daily routine.


2023 Taurus Family and Children: Predictions

2023 Taurus Family Horoscope indicates the family happiness with moderate positive strength throughout the year, where the beginning of the year will bring the family happiness into your focus despite external pressures. Conflicts may seep into your family's happiness from April to August due to health issues and discrepancies over small matters due to Saturn creating delays and disappointments on the family front.

The latter half of the year will be a mixed bag of positive and negative impacts but the positivity in relationships will be evident through efforts and patience throughout the year.

2023 Taurus Children Horoscope indicates chances of good progeny prospects during the beginning of the year from January-April due to the blessings of Jupiter placed in the 11th house of gains and its aspect over the 5th house of children.

Parents will be proud of their children’s overall progress and academic development, especially during the month of March-June. Travel prospects especially for your younger siblings will be progressive for education abroad. After October, any health concern will subside, but year-round health vigilance is necessary, as is developing good and healthy food and lifestyle practices.

2023 Horoscope Analysis

2023 is going to be an exciting year with Saturn’s journey through Dhanistha Nakshatra shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius after 29 years, making you begin your professional journey or relationships anew... more

  • 2023 horoscope
    USD 39 / Rs.2340
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