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2023 Leo Health, Family & Children Horoscope

2023 Leo Health, Family & Children Horoscope

Predictions based on 2023 Leo Health, Family & Children Horoscope suggest that you will acquire a more pronounced awareness about your health and more insights into maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. Transition of Venus will cause you hormonal changes, which will divert your attention towards a healthy diet and exercise.

  • Venus will be in conjunct with Saturn till 15th Feb 2023, which will incline you towards yoga and meditation. This period will give you a new direction towards your health and personality.
  • This conjunction might, however, cause some knee troubles so focus on weightlifting exercises and some strengthening exercises under guidance.


Sun’s placement in the initial period of the year will show a dip in your health. Focus on improving your immunity with physical and breathing exercises. This position will also cause you some emotional setbacks with respect to your family and relatives.

  • From 17th Aug 2023, the Sun’s position will increase your expectations and demand towards spouse and children. You will be irritated if things don’t go as per your expectation. You must work on managing your anger and maintain peace with your family members.


Mercury’s retrogression during the month of April and August will impact your speech and personality. You will hurt your family members through harsh speech which will not be entertained and can create disagreements with family members and children. Mercury’s placement in the month of September will boast your ego and pride, you will expect and demand others to do as per your order. This will disturb the family’s harmony. At the end of the year, there are chances of you travelling with your family.

The position of Jupiter will ensure a controlled atmosphere at your house. You will be involved with your children and will help them with your advice.


  • From 22nd April, Jupiter’s position will magnify your creativity and innovative ideas, which will be beneficial for your family and children. You will enjoy spending time with them and will gather memorable moments.
  • Jupiter’s conjunction with Rahu will cause some sudden setbacks involving your in-laws, which should be tackled in a harmonious way to maintain respect in your relationship with them. This period will cause sudden emotional issues like anxiety and stress.


Mars’s position will give you professional stress and anger towards past pent-up emotions with your subordinates. Placement of Mars will aggravate aggression towards your family and children. This stress might increase your pressure and can cause headaches. Focus on positive thinking and talk to your family to get ideas to deal with tough situations. You might have difference of opinions with your colleagues and seniors in your office which might impact your family’s harmony.

Rahu Ketu axis will increase your finances and you will plan travel with your family and children. Apparently, Ketu’s position will create anxiety and unknown fear vis-à-vis your children. You will be overprotective and will not allow them to enjoy their freedom. This will create a suffocating environment in your house, which will change during the transition of Rahu on 30th Oct 2023.



2023 Horoscope Analysis

2023 is going to be an exciting year with Saturn’s journey through Dhanistha Nakshatra shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius after 29 years, making you begin your professional journey or relationships anew... more

  • 2023 horoscope
    USD 49 / Rs.2940
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2023 Leo Health and Wellness: Predictions

Rah-Ketu axis will create tremendous toxic environment in your family. Predictions based on this indicate that you will take unnecessary tension and stress, which will not be entertained by your family members. Position of Venus from 22nd Jan 2023 to 15th Feb 2023 will elevate your romantic and love life. You will spend good time and enjoy travelling. Sun’s transition in the month of March will create health issues like knee pain and other bone related issues. Saturn’s movement might demand attention towards your health. This position might cause you laziness and procrastination towards work and responsibility.

Jupiter and Rahu conjunction will make you brave to open up and put your point of view across to your spouse and other family members. Apparently, this conjunction might create health disturbances like acidity and indigestion. Focus on eating healthy and exercises. Mercury’s retrogression in the months of April and August will make your speech harsh and direct, which will not be entertained by your family members.


2023 Leo Family and Children: Predictions

Sun’s position in the month of February will put your focus on travelling with your family and children. You will fulfil their demand and make them happy. Movement of Mars in January will create some tough situation with your children and their behaviour will increase your anger. Due to children’s negligence, you will feel irritated and inflamed. Predictions based on Mercury’s retrogression suggest that it will impact your speech and you will be direct towards others. This attitude will hurt your family members and create disharmony in the family.

Predictions based on Saturn’s movement from 17th June 2023 to 4th Nov 2023 suggest that there might be misunderstanding and conflict between you and your spouse. You will have difference of opinions and there will be a toxic environment in your family. Rahu and Ketu will add on to the family stress by creating disagreements. Things will resolve through children’s intervention and support. You will plan for family travel towards the end of the year and will gather happy moments.


2023 Horoscope Analysis

2023 is going to be an exciting year with Saturn’s journey through Dhanistha Nakshatra shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius after 29 years, making you begin your professional journey or relationships anew... more

  • 2023 horoscope
    USD 49 / Rs.2940
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