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2023 Gemini Health, Family & Children Horoscope

2023 Gemini Health, Family & Children Horoscope

2023 Gemini Health, Family & Children Horoscope indicates that your health during the year will be stable though some ups and downs may be seen. You may face some minor health issues in the beginning of 2023 but as time progresses, your health will improve and stay better. Family life, generally, will remain calm and smooth. However, mid-2023 may see some disruptions in family harmony over property related issues or some other disagreement may exist; but disputes will get resolved amicably and peace will prevail in the family. 2023 Gemini Children Horoscope predicts a good time as aspirations may get fulfilled.

Jupiter will be transiting the place of career in the beginning of 2023 and, after 22nd April, it moves to the place of income and benefits. This transit of Jupiter will bring some good times in the family, especially in your relations with your spouse and there will be more peace and harmony in the family after 30th October.

  • Image of the family in the social circles may get alleviated in this phase. Till April, Jupiter will bring good and stable health for you and no major disease will trouble you.
  • From 22nd April to 30th October, Jupiter will be with Rahu and may bring troubles, however, towards the end of the year Jupiter will bless you with happy moments across all fronts.
  • Some stress due to workload may trouble you, you need to be patient and keep yourself calm and need proper planning of work.

Mars’s initial journey during 1st January - 13th March would be positive for children as it will bless them with high energy, passion and determination. Mars will be transiting the place of family, wealth and possessions from 10th May till 1st July. This may lead to some stress in the family and relations between the members of the family may remain sour due to some issues over ancestral property.

  • During its transit towards the end of 2023, Mars may bring some tense moments in family life along with the impact of Rahu. However, Mars will transit the place of communication and creativity on 1st July, it would aspect Jupiter and Rahu, this combines energy with Jupiter to bless you with good times in the family and may reduce your hardships.
  • During this period, your digestion may also have issues therefore keeping a good regime of diet and regular exercise will be helpful for you.
  • Some health issues may be there due to this transit therefore there is a need to be careful and avoid any injury prone activities.
  • Mars may bring some moments of disagreements and aggressive attitude; you need to remain calm and control your aggression for better outcomes. Health of elders may need your care, especially towards the end of the year.

Mercury starts its journey from place of competition in the month of January. Mercury will transit the place of Self on 24th June 2023 and then move to the place of family and wealth on 8th July. 2023 Gemini astrology predictions suggest that this will bring happy moments in the family and the trend would continue till end of the year. Also, Mercury will be transiting the place of mother, native place and property in October. This will bring peace and harmony in the family; your communication will be very polite and effective and this will help a great deal in resolving any disputes or disagreements among the family members in an amicable manner.

  • Plans for higher studies would get materialised in 2023 and in case you wish to pursue studies abroad then your dreams will come true.
  • Saturn will be in the place of suddenness and secrecy in the beginning of 2023 and will reside there till 17th January; this may have some challenges in store for you across all facets, including family and health. After 17th January, you will be blessed with relief from all the hardships that you are facing.
  • Your health may also improve as your mental stress will go down and there will be calmness.
  • The transit will also open avenues for children to pursue higher education without any hurdles and their chances of studying abroad may also get bright.

Rahu will be transiting to the place of earnings and benefits and on 30th October 2023 would move to the place of career. Throughout the year, Rahu would pose some issues for children and their progress in education may not be very smooth.

  • In addition, with the transit of Jupiter in the place of earnings and benefits on 22nd April, it will conjoin with Rahu already residing there to form the Guru Chandal Yoga.
  • This would also bring strain in family relations; disagreements may develop and peace may get affected. Health will also see some issues and children may have to work harder for their targets.

Sun will combine with Mercury during its transit between the period July-September and this would bring better times in the family. There will be harmony among members of the family, respect for elders and the older members will help and support your decisions for the good of the family. During this phase, Mars and Jupiter would also help in the overall planetary positions to give a better and smooth phase.



2023 Horoscope Analysis

2023 is going to be an exciting year with Saturn’s journey through Dhanistha Nakshatra shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius after 29 years, making you begin your professional journey or relationships anew... more

  • 2023 horoscope
    USD 39 / Rs.2340
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2023 Gemini Health and Wellness: Predictions

The year 2023 may see some health issues in the initial days, though minor ones. From 1st May to 1st July and in November and December, chances of injuries may be there hence you need to be careful.
Health of elders may cause some trouble towards the end of 2023, hence this needs to be addressed with due care and concern. The transit of Saturn may bring some respite from mental stress that would exist in the start of the year. The year may also see some phases where you will be prone to injuries; hence be careful.


2023 Gemini Family and Children: Predictions

Family and children horoscope for Gemini in the year 2023 gives better opportunities in terms of progress in studies and performance in competitive exams will also be on desirable lines. Pursuing higher education and undertaking research will come with ease however your efforts would be required as some planetary transit may pose some obstacles during mid-2023. You may get the opportunity to study in a foreign land, however, lots of dedicated efforts would be needed.

2023 Horoscope Analysis

2023 is going to be an exciting year with Saturn’s journey through Dhanistha Nakshatra shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius after 29 years, making you begin your professional journey or relationships anew... more

  • 2023 horoscope
    USD 39 / Rs.2340
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