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2023 Capricorn Money & Finance Horoscope

2023 Capricorn Money & Finance Horoscope

2023 Capricorn Money & Finance Horoscope sees Venus in Capricorn that will bless you with the power to predict finances for others. As a financial advisor you will have the power to analyse the finance market and give appropriate advice to others. 1st house makes for a powerful Kendra and the position of Venus till 22nd Jan 2023 widely helps in making you start a fortunate year with regard to finances.

  • Predictions based on Saturn’s conjunction with Venus suggest that till 17th Jan 2023, this placement will enhance your ambition to make money and will help you utilise this opportunity in a positive way. You will succeed in achieving your ambition and goal through proper planning and by analysing with the help of your financial team.
  • Saturn’s transit in Aquarius on 17th Jan 2023 will uplift your cash flow. This might happen through your family’s support and trade related profits. Investments in banking and finance industries will be profitable for you. These measures will help in accumulating wealth.
  • 2023 finance predictions based on Saturn’s retrogression indicate that from 17th June 2023, your investments will be affected and that during this period it is advisable not to take part actively in financial investments.


2023 Capricorn Money & Finance Horoscope predictions based on Jupiter’s position in Pisces indicate that it will make you gather self-earned money which you can invest in mass media / communication. Your learning capacity about finance and wealth will increase. You can invest in business planning and management. You will return the dues of your relatives and other family members.

  • You will spend money on some major investment which may lead to big profits till 22nd April 2023. Jupiter will give you clarity of mind to analyse the finance market and to earn profitable gains
  • 2023 finance predictions based on Rahu’s placement in Aries till October highlight that you will make financial gains in the IT sector as well as from property, land and real estate. Investments in fixed assets will give good returns. Your mother will support you in your financial gains. Your spouse’s advice in your financial decision will help you in gaining profits.

Jupiter’s conjunction with Rahu will form Guru Chandal Yoga and this yoga may zoom your manipulative ability towards illegal speculation to achieve financial growth. This conjunction will give you all kinds of creative ideas to manifest your dreams easily.

Money predictions related to Mars’s position in Taurus on 13th Jan 2023 will make you face losses in speculative investments. Your mind will be filled with aggression and anger which will not help in enhancing clarity of thought to make the right decision for finances. You might earn through luck factor after 10th May 2023 when Mars will transit through Cancer.

2023 predictions based on Mercury’s movement suggest a major shift in your financial reality. You might make some short-term investments during Mercury’s transition in January in Sagittarius, which will prove beneficial. But you must invest cautiously during 24th Aug 2023 with its retrogression in Leo as that might cause finances loses.



2023 Horoscope Analysis

2023 is going to be an exciting year with Saturn’s journey through Dhanistha Nakshatra shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius after 29 years, making you begin your professional journey or relationships anew... more

  • 2023 horoscope
    USD 49 / Rs.2940
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2023 Capricorn: Predictions on Wealth & Business Prospects

At the start of 2023, you will experience astonishing gains and a positive outlook vis-à-vis finance. Saturn is placed in its own house and the conjunction of Venus gives you the full capacity to rise your finances through your intellectual quality. Transit of Saturn in Aquarius on 17th Jan 2023 will amplify your ambition, hard work and the capacity to earn wealth through business. You will gain through family business and support.

You will never observe financial crunch, but retrogression of Saturn on 17th June till 4th Nov will fetch opportunities as well as challenges, which you will have to take as a complement for your financial growth. This period will bring you awareness of where you must not invest and thus avoid loss.


2023 Capricorn: Predictions on Repayment of Debts

2023 will give you financial freedom to repay your debts and free yourself from the burden. The conjunct aspect of Sun and Mercury from the 12th house will make you earn in foreign currencies and pay off your debts. This transition will help you in daily planning and analysing your profit and loss account, which will help you in your financial growth. You will overcome all challenges and win against all financial disputes and allegations. All kinds of entangled loan will be repaid with the help and support of your spouse and family members.


2023 Capricorn: Predictions on Finance & Speculation

2023 predictions for finance, speculation and trading carry substantial risk of losing value but holds the expectation of a significant gain. Saturn in your Lagna (ascendant) and then transiting your second house amplifies the opportunities to purchase long-term speculative investment vehicles, which involves purchase of foreign currency. You can also invest in real estate like property with the intention of renting it out, buying multiple condominiums with minimal down payment for the purpose of reselling them quickly at a profit rate. Just be cautious on your financial investments during the period of Saturn’s retrogression - from 17th June 2023 to 4th Nov 2023.


2023 Horoscope Analysis

2023 is going to be an exciting year with Saturn’s journey through Dhanistha Nakshatra shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius after 29 years, making you begin your professional journey or relationships anew... more

  • 2023 horoscope
    USD 49 / Rs.2940
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