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Mars Transit to Libra and its Effects on all Moon Signs

When the planet of intelligence and war, Mars travels and transits into the sign of Libra, which is an air element, grace, wit, and strength will abound your life. This transit will influence all the moon signs especially professional and personal relationships. Find out the effect of this transit affecting relationships on all the zodiacs.

Mars denotes passion and drive. Libra is associated with romance and commitment. Mars is one of the aggressive planets in the zodiac circle. It possesses the ability to determine the individual's strength to face contradictions and competitions in life. It also denotes the passion for love. On the other hand, Libra is ruled by Venus. Venus is the planet of beauty which determines the beauty of relationships with love, peace, and harmony.

The transit of Mars in Libra sign from 22nd October 2021 till 5th December 2021 will induce positivity in our lives. Libra is one of the unique signs of balance. It focuses on logic and partnership bringing forward the initiative of balancing all the dimensions of life.

What is the connection between love and passion?

An analysis of this correlation is astrologically described below for the all the moon signs:


For Aries moon sign, Mars is the Lord of the first [self-expression and personality] and seventh [marriage and partnership] houses. It is transiting in the seventh house of marriage and partnership.

Mars has two dimensions in any horoscope- Benefic aspect or Afflicted aspect. The results of this transit of Mars in Libra may vary for Aries in the following way.

Benefic Mars: Mars will be transiting in the 7th house. It will give you the opportunity to get good gains in any professional partnership without much action. There will be professional support from your superiors. They will start noticing your efforts and reward you with increment or a promotion.

Marriage can be planned for well deserving bachelors. Single natives will have all the opportunity to commit with your soulmate with good mutual understanding.

Afflicted Mars: Mars will be transiting in the 7th house of partnership. That is why your workplace will be a full of challenges. You will achieve success in accumulating wealth with manipulated efforts.

Your mental balance will demand patience to work hard and avoid any professional set back. There may be some misunderstanding in your marital life. Your soulmate may not be able keep alliance with your love expressions.


Frank communication with your partner will be beneficial to cross barriers of contradiction. This will be necessary both at personal and professional level.

Eager to know how you will stand financially in this year, find out your customized report of Finance Horoscope 2021 here.


Mars is the lord of the twelfth house of loss and unseen realms like desires and dreams. It is also the seventh house lord of marriage and partnership for the Taurus moon sign. It is transiting in the sixth house of debt, enemies, and professional life.

Mars has two dimensions in any horoscope- Benefic aspect or Afflicted aspect. The results of this transit of Mars in Libra may vary for Taurus in the following way.

Benefic Mars: Mars will be transiting in the 6th house of health. Therefore, it is a good time to motivate yourself for changes in your lifestyle. You also have to maintain a good exercise and diet regime. Hard work will be advantageous for all professionals and students.

This will be the time to manipulate your efforts as per requirement to get good gains. Your personal relations will be lined up with the aura of love and warmth. As a result, your patience will act like a pillow of comfort for your partner. You will be able to fill your daily routine life with fun and happiness.

Afflicted Mars: The transiting of Mars in the 6th house of debt and health indicates that the students pursuing for any competitive exams are bound to get good results with hard work. However, you have to upgrade your hard work more as per requirement to get good results.

Workplace will demand patience and attention. It may also cause a taboo on your professional behaviors. Therefore, it is best to avoid any kind of misunderstanding with your colleagues that can cause any kind of professional setback.

Personal relations can bring up pent up emotions if you speculate with them. As a result, this may create frictions in your marital relations. You may face confrontations with your spouse and partner in your personal life.


Slow down your active reflexes and learn to let go. Change your attitude to being slightly mellow for better financial and emotional prospects.


Mars is the lord of the sixth house of debt and disease and eleventh house of acquisition of gains and desires for the Gemini moon sign. It is transiting in the fifth house of love, children, and speculation.

Mars has two dimensions in any horoscope- Benefic aspect or Afflicted aspect. The results of this transit of Mars in Libra may vary for Gemini in the following way.

Benefic Mars: The transit of Mars in the 5th house of love and children indicates that your career will be beneficial. As a result, you will be able to attain good income incentives for yourself with your hard work and intelligent skills.

You will be daring in challenging your professional rivals. Also, you will be able to convince your clients with more attractive deals than your opponents. Therefore, you will win over your professional opponents with ease.

Your family and personal relations will bloom. There will be sparkle of flowers of romance in your personal relations. The innocent love of the children will fill your home ambience with happiness and laughter.

Afflicted Mars: During this transit of Mars in the 5th house of love and children, you will need to take extra care of your mental equilibrium. There is a possibility that you may face some stress issue related to the completion of your professional ventures. However, these ventures will yield you gains.

So, include meditation in your daily routine. You should be very particular to avoid eating spicy and oily food for healthy digestion. You may have a very loud expression of your emotions. It may spoil your relationship with your family members, friend circles and colleagues and especially with your partner.


Try to balance your approach in all aspects of life. This way you will have a wholesome understanding of how to tackle any issues.


Mars is the lord of the fifth house of love, speculation, creativity, and children and tenth house of career and power for the Cancer Moon sign. It is transiting into the fourth house of domestic peace, prosperity, and stability.

Mars has two dimensions in any horoscope- Benefic aspect or Afflicted aspect. The results of this transit of Mars in Libra may vary for Cancer in the following way.

Benefic Mars: Mars will be transiting in the 4th house of stability. It indicates that your professional prospects will be good as your keen observation in your professional matters is likely to give you gains. You will be able to gain success in accumulating your wealth. You will be purchasing property for investment and reap the benefits or gains from it.

Personal relations reveal that you will have strong base of emotion. You will express the strength of your relations and the depth of energy in your bonding with your family and loved ones. You are a passionate lover in any romantic relationship and a defender in the family circle for your loved ones.

Afflicted Mars: Professional prospects reveal that this transit of Mars in the 4th house of stability can be beneficial. For this, you will be practical in your career approach. Hence, you will not waste your energy over getting involved emotionally and taking impulsive career steps. It may spoil your money gains and efforts.

Avoid any kind of speculation with your hard-earned money in any kind of career venture. It may appear very appealing, but it may conclude to be a non-profitable venture. Your personal relations and family bonding will suffer on the accountability of your unethical and impulsive behavior.


Keep your personal and professional behaviour under the code of conduct for overall benefits. Be practical and money wise in your approach.


Mars is the Lord of the fourth domestic peace and prosperity. It is also the ninth house lord of fortune and long travel for Leo Moon Sign. Mars is transiting in the third house of courage and initiative with short travel and sibling.

Mars has two dimensions in any horoscope- Benefic aspect or Afflicted aspect. The results of this transit of Mars in Libra may vary for Leo in the following way.

Benefic Mars: This transit of Mars in the 3rd house of initiative will be auspicious for you. It will bring in ample number of gains in your profession. All your efforts will be lined up by your luck and you will be able to overcome competition over your profession rivals.

You will possess a very good tuning and bonding with your family. Your personal life will reveal a lot of sensuality in your physical bonding and personal intimacy. You will swing your efforts towards physical fitness with regular gyming and exercise regime.

Afflicted Mars: Afflicted Mars transit in the 3rd house of courage and initiative will demotivate you very strongly. All your impulsive efforts will consume more of your energy and yield less or no gains in your routine work.

Your efforts will prosper if you face your challenges with courage and manipulate your efforts with intelligence to glide over setbacks. Your married life may pose problems. There can be conflicts and misunderstandings. Also, your spouse or partner will not support you to cross the bridge of contradiction.


Your efforts and initiative have to be strong and manipulated according to your requirement. You must not let ego or pride take over your aggressive side. Try to remain calm.

You can also claim your personalized Career Transit Report to better understand where you stand professionally.


Mars is the Lord of the third house of efforts, initiative, and siblings and eighth house of hurdles, sudden gains or loss for the Virgo moon sign. It is transiting in the second house of family and finance.

Mars has two dimensions in any horoscope- Benefic aspect or Afflicted aspect. The results of this transit of Mars in Libra may vary for Virgo in the following way.

Benefic Mars: Mars is posited in the 2nd house of family and finance. It will give good results. However, they have to be accompanied by your dedicated efforts to overcome any sudden hurdle in your path.

The transit is beneficial to bring out sound planning which will be successful and will give money increment with additional income from government deals too.

Family life will be good, and you will win the unconditional support and love of your parents. Single natives are destined to find a new relationship in their solitary existence.

Afflicted Mars: Mars is posited in the 2nd house of wealth which will bring in a lot of struggles to accumulate wealth during this transit. There may be unseen hurdles that will cross your path. You will remain indecisive in your professional approach to tackle them which may result in losses instead of gains.

You may be harsh and rude in your speech and behaviour. It will not be appreciated by your family and especially your partner /spouse. Your emotional bonding will be affected despite good physical relationship.


Mars will be transiting your 2nd house of family and finance. So, keep your efforts and mental balance more regulated towards your finances and relationships to avoid maximum hurdles


Mars is the lord of the second house of family, finance, and speech and seventh house of marriage and partnership. It is transiting in the first house of self-expression and personality.

Mars has two dimensions in any horoscope- Benefic aspect or Afflicted aspect. The results of this transit of Mars in Libra may vary for Libra in the following way.

Benefic Mars: Mars will be auspicious for you in this transit as it will transit in the 1st house of your- self. It will bless you with good health and wellness in all aspects of your life. You will aspire for good gains in your finances from your career. However, always be cautious for any last moment hassle due to the negligence of your professional partner.

You will see harmony and happiness in your family and married life. For single natives, it will be an excellent time to meet any new partner for friendship.

Afflicted Mars: Mars transiting in the 1st house of your Libra sign will tend to make you moody. You will cater to the professional schemes that will navigate losses due to self-negligence. This will be combined with your partner's negligence. Therefore, this association will not be fruitful for your financial stability.

The family relations will also climb the same swing of contradiction of your mood swings. Your partner’s low tolerance level will keep low love frequency in your personal matters.


Keep your mental balance intact in all aspects of life with smoothness in your actions and behaviour. Keep calm and just wing it.


Mars is the lord of the first house of self and sixth house of debt and disease. It is also the lord of the profession house for the Scorpio moon sign. Mars is transiting in the twelfth house of loss and expenditure.

Mars has two dimensions in any horoscope- Benefic aspect or Afflicted aspect. The results of this transit of Mars in Libra may vary for Scorpio in the following way.

Benefic Mars: The transit in the 12th house of loss and expenditure is less favorable for your family relations or personal emotional love. However, there will be physical closeness embedded with lots of passion with your partner.

Any government deal associated with foreign connection will bring prosperous professional gains. There may be travels for you, especially for those working in MNCs.

Afflicted Mars: Mars transiting in your 12th house will require extra care on your health matters. Balance your mental stress as career may impose financial restrictions. Avoid any kind of investment in any professional deals during this transit.

Personal/family relations will carry a fake aura of fulfillment. You must avoid being too dominant in any relationship and try to take care of your partners feelings as well.


It will be beneficial to stay healthy in your eating habits. Be balanced in your career inputs and personal relationship. Practice meditation for good lifestyle.

You can find out about your health horoscope of 2021 here.


Mars is the Lord of the fifth house of love, children, and speculation and twelfth house of loss and expenditure for the Sagittarius moon sign. It is transiting in the eleventh house of career income and gains.

Mars has two dimensions in any horoscope- Benefic aspect or Afflicted aspect. The results of this transit of Mars in Libra may vary for Sagittarius in the following way.

Benefic Mars: Mars transiting in the 11th house of gains and fulfillment will be a prosperous transit in terms of your monetary gains. It is the time to celebrate success in your professional ventures.

Family and personal matters will be fruitful along with the innocent activeness of children. It will be very rejuvenating for you. Love connections will have the wish to make strong associations.

Afflicted Mars: The Mars transiting in your 11th house will be fruitful, but it will be to a reduced degree. You will have good professional connections which will be beneficial. However, you have to be careful while traveling as haste may make you pay with physical injury.

Your mind will not be at rest. Therefore, you should add meditation in your daily schedule for mental smoothness. Handle all your personal and family relations with a calm mind. If any adverse situations arise, for your personal prosperity, be calm and levelheaded.

Take care of your finances as the expenditures will tend to be very high.


All the situations and relations will be fruitful. However, you will have to keep your overall balance intact with practical installation of your steady approach.


Mars is the Lord of the fourth house of domestic peace and stability and eleventh house of income, gains and fulfillment of desires for the Capricorn moon sign. It is transiting in the tenth house of career and status.

Mars has two dimensions in any horoscope- Benefic aspect or Afflicted aspect. The results of this transit of Mars in Libra may vary for Capricorn in the following way.

Benefic Mars: Mars transit in Libra in the 10th house of career will bring out your determination in career and the care of personal relations in one platter. There will be a good display of balance for your career avenues in general as a business entrepreneur or as an employee.

Government deals will be fruitful for you. Your way of professional approach along with the dynamic working techniques will make a good impression over your associates and subordinates.

Love life will be prosperous. Both partners will be blessed with good mutual understanding and love for each other. Singles are destined to find a new partner at their workplace.

Afflicted Mars: Keep a check on your expenses as Mars will be transiting in your 10th house of career. Too much of socializing will affect your health and your finance with restrictions.

Career will be profitable, but you are likely to face strong oppositions from your rivals. They may try to block your career progress and tarnish your professional image.

Caution is advised in your personal relations by keeping a check on your tone. You may develop misunderstanding with relatives and loved ones. Practice meditation and Yoga daily for better physical and mental health status.


Your perfectionist attitude in personal and professional relations will be perfect. It will be accompanied by your efficient working style. However, caution is advised that do not be ruled by over expectation of getting your feelings reciprocated with same perfection.

If you are not sure about the compatibility you are sharing with your partner at the moment, please check out the Love/Marriage Compatibility Report.


Mars is the Lord of the third house of efforts, courage, and siblings and tenth house of career, authority, and status for the Aquarius moon sign. It is transiting in the ninth house of fortune, father, and long travel.

Mars has two dimensions in any horoscope- Benefic aspect or Afflicted aspect. The results of this transit of Mars in Libra may vary for Aquarius in the following way.

Benefic Mars: Mars transit in Libra in the 9th house of fortune will be beneficial for Aquarius moon sign natives. This indicates that all your career ventures will be completed on their scheduled time with good progress. Your efforts will be appreciated by your employer.

Love life will be prosperous with the dedication to spend some quality time with your partner. You will follow a unique approach to balance your love/marital relations with your spouse. You will give them space and freedom to express their feelings in any form. Travel abroad will bring personal happiness and professional gains in unison without any hurdle.

Afflicted Mars: Mars transit in Libra in your 9th house will be fruitful. However, more efforts will have to be optimized to get normal gains. Wavering decisions will bring down your luck quotient. Your desired professional gains will be less.

Relationship with your spouse/partner may not be very progressive due to your egoistic approach. Mutual relationship with father may be tense and contradictory over practical matters. However, you will glide well with your manipulated efforts.

Plan all your actions before making any travel approach in any venture.


You will love to perform all your personal and professional duties with more freedom. But you are advised to keep checking all aspects of life for perfect equation with everyone.


Mars is the lord of the second house of family, finance, and speech and the ninth house of fortune, spiritual growth, and long travel for the Pisces moon sign. It is transiting in the eighth house occult science, sudden gain/loss, and inheritance.

Mars has two dimensions in any horoscope- Benefic aspect or Afflicted aspect. The results of this transit of Mars in Libra may vary for Pisces in the following way.

Benefic Mars: Pisces natives will have to face hurdles and opposition in your career efforts as Mars is transiting in your 8th house. However, the combination of Saturn and Mars along with the wisdom of Jupiter will make you strong in your determination towards your career. Your efforts will redeem success in your career.

Relationships will not have peace and prosperity in your personal relations. However, you will have the ability to glide your balanced boat of relations with your loved ones with patience and care. It is beneficial to maintain healthy relations in order to avoid unpleasant situations in both personal and professional front.

Afflicted Mars: Mars will be transiting in Libra in the 8th house of hurdles and your personal relationship with your partner may not be romantic. Your marital relations may face lack of mutual understanding in your relations due to your callous behaviour.

Your temper may create contradictions in your relations. You may face same problem in professional life. Therefore, you need to keep patience and work with a cool mind with your colleague and professional associates.


Avoid getting yourself involved in any dispute over any personal and professional matters. Try to control your strong impulsive behaviour with your inbuilt wisdom and patience.

All zodiac signs are moving through Mars transit through Libra with varied effects. However, one effort that is common for all is the need to understand the importance of balance in our life. It will increase the productivity of our life during this transit.


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