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Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam: Why & How is it Performed to Invite Prosperity?

Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam has its origin in the Rig Veda and is conducted to invite prosperity and fame. One has to be careful while reciting the suktas as a slight difference in pronunciation will bring ‘Alakshmi’, i.e., bad luck and poverty. Read this article to learn more about this Yagna.


The word ‘SRI’ refers to Mahalakshmi, the wife of Lord Vishnu and ‘SUKTAM’ means ‘well said’. In contradiction, Mahalakshmi has a sister who is known as ‘ALAKSHMI’, that is the one who brings bad luck and poverty. Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam has its origin in the Rig Veda and there are many variations to how it can be recited. As per Veda Patha (recitation of specific mantras as per the prescribed pitch, intonation, matras, etc.), it differs because of differences in the letters or syllables, differences in words or padas, different placement in sentences or verses or mantras in various places. Hence, it is difficult to say which recitation is more potent and authentic. Research by the Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts suggests that the ones published by Sri Damodar Satavalekar, Kashmiri Khilam, and Asvalayana Samhita are authentic.

Promised benefits: Prosperity, wealth & happiness

The Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam is a prayer to Jataveda, i.e., Agni to invite prosperity or Sri (Mahalakshmi) to one’s life; and to destroy ‘Alakshmi’, i.e., bad luck, poverty and evil powers. Its aim is to make one achieve fame and wealth. Those who wish for prosperity and wealth should recite this sukta repeatedly.

It is the sound form of attracting Mahalakshmi to draw delight, glory, progeny, grains, long life, mental peace, and to remove debts, ill-health, poverty, sins, hunger, and sorrow. Those who recite it are blessed with harmony, fame, longevity, and ever-lasting victory. When you imbibe the vibrations of Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam, you invite Lakshmi to flow into and fill your space tremendously. Hence, this portion of the Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam is recited at all happy occasions like weddings, devi poojas, housewarming, homams or yagnas, etc. This will bring abundance of radiance, wealth, prosperity, and knowledge into your life.

Lakshmi is the provider of wealth and happiness. There are varied expressions of wealth: Fame, knowledge, courage, victory, good children, valour, gold and other material properties, grains in abundance, happiness, bliss, intelligence, beauty, inspiration, good character, and long life, to name a few. All these come under wealth, which is provided to us by Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam. This is one of the secrets and specialties of Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam.

Vedic significance of Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam

Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam is primarily a portion from the Vedas and to grasp its significance we must know the essence of the Vedas. This is what the ancient Rishis used to do. In their deep penance and meditation, they used to activate the non-mechanical parts of their brain which enabled them to download any form of knowledge which they wanted from the cosmos. They did this by receiving all the knowledge in the form of sounds and through clairvoyance. They recited and taught their disciples these sounds and structures as the Mantras of the Vedas.

Hence, in order to tune in to the frequency in which you can download and experience the truths of Vedas, you have to take the help of these Mantras. Veda Vyasa was the compiler and editor of the Vedas. To organize them better, he classified the entire gamut of knowledge, gave them a structure and made many branches or ‘shakas’. Vedas are always learnt by recitation and meditation. Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam is part of the Vedas which became extinct over the years.

Scientific significance of Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam

Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam is based on rhythm, pronunciation and sound.

  • Sound: The entire cosmos is a reverberation, created by sound energy. This sound gives the universe a structure. Thus, the entire universe is reverberating in the form of sound energy which is the 5th element - the Akasha, which is also known as Ether. When it is reverberating as Akasha, we can decode the knowledge of the entire universe in the form of sound. Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam is one such sound, that serves the truth of the cosmos, which was downloaded by the Rishis.
  • Pronunciation: If you notice, the Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam is recited across the globe, but there is a difference in pronunciation. However, one needs to be careful about pronunciation. To cite an example of its importance: While reciting the 5th Mantra with Avagraha Sandhi, where Lakshmi is joined with Prapadye, if you give a gap or breath after Prapadye then you will recite it as Alakshmi, which is wrong. If we look at the verse in Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam, it is ‘Prapadye Lakshmir Mein’. With a gap, the ‘Lakshmir’ sounds like ‘Alakshmir’. We drive Lakshmi away this way. It is without drawing a breath that the word Lakshmi should be joined with the previous word Prapadye.
  • Rhythm: Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam is the source of Carnatic Music. The recitation itself is musical, the swaram and its structure is the base for Carnatic Music. It contains secret codes of Alchemy, the science of converting low forms of metal like iron into gold. The Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam is filled with the Bheeja Mantra ‘iim’ in different swaras. The sound ‘e’ represents the energy of Shakti (the manifestation energy). This is why all the Bheeja mantras are related to the Devi, ending with ‘iim’ - whether it is Hreem, Kleem, Aim, Shreem. Hence, you have a lot of this sound in Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam. It is recited to bring immense manifestation of energy to fulfil one’s desires.

What are the materials needed for this Yagna?

  • Idol or photograph of Mahalakshmi
  • Lamp or diya
  • Incense
  • Rangoli
  • Lotus and other variety of flowers
  • Vermillion
  • Sandalwood paste, kumkum
  • Flowers, fruits
  • Kheer or rice pudding
  • Materials to make panchamrit
  • Wooden pieces if havan is being performed

For Yagna (Optional)

After you have invoked Mahalakshmi, you can prepare the havan kund. Recite Mahalakshmi’s name and offer wooden pieces by applying ghee to the fire. Offer rice pudding as prasad.

When to perform Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam?

  • Dussehra
  • During Deepavali
  • Friday evening
  • Daily morning or /and evening

How to perform this Yagna?

First, take a bath. Observe fast until the completion of yagna. This has to be done with a pure mind and body. Make a pledge to perform this yagna with a pure heart by reciting, ‘O Mahalakshmi! To receive your blessings, I am performing this ritual with full devotion and concentration.’

Clean the puja place, decorate it with a colourful rangoli. You can place the idol or photograph of Mahalakshmi in your temple or you can make a separate altar and place it there. Offer panchamrit - the five nectars (milk, curd, ghee, sugar, and honey).

Procedures for this Yagna

  • Sankalpam: ‘I am performing this puja to fulfil my desires,’ and request Mahalakshmi to allow you to do this yagna.
  • Vigneshwara Puja: This pooja involves worshipping Lord Ganesha, requesting him to give you the courage to fulfil this yagna without any obstacles. Click here to learn about how Ganapati Yagna is conducted at home.
  • Prarthana: Chant Gayatri Mantra and take permission from Mahalakshmi to do this powerful yagna.
  • Pranayamam and Sankalpam: Purification of your breath and taking a vow to please the Lord Ganesha.
  • Ganapati Pancha Loka Puja: Pray to the Lord of five worlds – Ganesha, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and Parvati.
  • Mahalakshmi Puja: Offer flower on Mahalakshmi’s feet by praising her. Establish Pran Pratishtha, which is filling a divine object with ‘prana’ or life force by taking Mahalakshmi’s name. Then hold flowers in your hands and invoke Mahalakshmi to fulfil your wishes and bless your family with prosperity and abundance.

Application of Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam

The first 5 verses of ‘Sri’ is invoked on a lotus or a piece of gold, and it is used for bilva homam, which is equivalent to the coronation of a king. With these mantras, the priest sprinkles Teertha on the devotee. The basic idea here is that the devotee is requesting Agni to bring ‘Sri’ to their place and to destroy ‘Alakshmi’. This sukta is addressed to Sri (Lakshmi) and Agni by the Rishis Ananda, Kardama, Srida, and Chiklita as Sriputras. Please note that these suktas or mantras are to be recited only as per Rig Veda style since Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam has its origin in the Rig Veda.

Meaning of the Suktas or Verses in Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam

  • Verse 1&2: Request Agni to bring in Sri.
  • Verse 3: Description of the prosperity that Sri bestows.
  • Verse 4&5: Description of Sri.
  • Verse 6: A prayer for destroying Alakshmi.
  • Verse 7: Request Agni for granting fame and prosperity.
  • Verse 8: Request Agni to destroy Alakshmi.
  • Verse 9: Description of Sri compared to Alashkmi.
  • Verse 10: Expressing our wish for the fulfilment of desire.
  • Verse 11&12: Request Kardama and Chiklita to establish Sri in the house of the devotee.
  • Verse 13,14 & 15: Request Agni to bring in Sri.

It is a common practice to combine the 15 mantras of Purusha Suktam and the 15 mantras of Lakshmi Yagna Sri Suktam alternatively while performing the yagna.

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